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CAP, VII. 158 etAtttiMt *vi-®TVeVvR)WANI-TqTIV 4. r CAP. VII. h TheConfederation of theOath ofGod deferred. 2. The method firftpropofed fomewhat waved. The influenceof the mediation of Chrift into God's free and unchangeable acceptanceof Believers propoled. Reafonsofthatpropofall. 3,4.Of the Oblationof Chrift. Its influence into theSaints Perfeverance. All caufes offeparation between Godand Believers , taken away thereby. Morali andefficient caufes thereby removed. 5. The guilt ofGnne , how taken awayby the death of Chrift,Of the Nature of Redemption. Confcience of frnne, how abolifhed by the facrifice of ChriftHeb: to. 3,4,14. 6. Dan.9.24. opened.Rom:z.34.. 7 Deliverance from 'allfrnne, how by the death ofChrift: The Law innovated in refpeft ofthe Elea. 8. The vindiftive juftice of God fatisfied by thedeath of Chrift: How that is done. Wherein fatisfaftion doth confift. Abfo- lute not conchcionall. 9. The Law howfulfilled in the Death ofChrift. ro. The Truth of God thereby accomplifhedt His diftributive juftice engaged. 11. Obfervations for the clearing of the formeraffertions.Whether any one,for whom Chrift died, may dye in frnne. The necef- fity of Faithand Obedience. The Reafonsthereof. The end of Faith and Robinette. 1 z. The firft Argument forthe proofe of theformerAffertions, concerning the fruit ,and efficacyof the death of Chrift: Heb.9.14,The fecond.The third. The compaft between theFather &Son about the work ofmediation. 14. The Fourth.Good things.beftowed on them for whom Chrift died, antecedently to anything fpirìtuallygood in them. TheSpirit fo beftowed,and Faith itfelfe.The clofeof thole Arguments. 14. Inferences from the foregoing ditcourfe. The Efficacy. of the deathof Chrift,and theneceffity of Faith and Obedience reconciled. Sundry confiderauons un- to that end propofed. All Spiritual' mercies, fruits ofthe death of Chrift. (a.) All the fruits of Chsiftsdeath laid up in the hand otGods Biglateonfuelïe. (3.) The flare of them, for whom Chrift died not aauallyy changed by hisdeath. (4) On what account Believing is neceffary. r5. Chrifi fecuresthe flabilityof the Saints abiding withGod. What is contrary thereunto, how by bins removed. The Worldovercome by Chrift, as mmmaged by Sultan in an enmity to the Saints. h6. Theconopleat viory ofChrill over theDcviii. The waies,wherebyhe compleats his corgneft. The Ruleof Sachan in refpea of fennets two fold. (t.) Over them: (2.) In them. 17. 'The Tideof Sathan to arule over men,judged and defiroyedby Chrift. The exercife of all power taken from him. 18. Theworks of Sathan defiroyed byChrift , in , and for his Elea. 19. The HolySpirit procuredby the death ofChrift. 20. Thegivingof thefpirit, the great Pro- mile ofthe New Covenant. 2 r. This farther proved and confirmed. 22. The perpetual) Refi- deuce ofthe HolySpirit with Believers, proved by the threefold Teftimonyof Father,Sonne,and Spirit. Ifa:59. or. The Teftimonyof theFather, propofed and vindicated. 23. Our Argument from hence farther cleared. This Promife Abfolute not Conditionall. No condition rationally tohe affixed to it: The import of thofewords [as forme.-ITo whom this Promife is made. 24. That farther cleared : notto all Iliad according-co the flefit. 25.Mr G's Objeftionsanfwered. 26. The Teftimony of the Sonnegiven to the perpetual' abidingof the Spirit with Believers. loh:t4.16. opened. The Promife in tholewords equallybelonging to all Believers. 27. Mr G's Objcaionsanfwered. No Proniilb ofthe Spirit abiding wiih Believers ois his principleaiiowed. The Promife given ro the Apofiles perfonally, yet given alto to the whole Church. Promifes made to theChurch, made to the individually, whereof it is conflituted. 28. Thegiving of this Promife toall Believers farther argued from the fcope of the place a And vindicated from Mr G's exceptions. 29. The thirdTeftitnony oftheHolySpirit himfelfe propofed toconfidera- rione His Teftimony in feaiingparticularly conftdered. 2 Cor: a. zz. Èphef: w3. 4.3o. Cf the natureand de of Sealing amongft men. The end, aime, andofe, of the fealing of the Holy Ghoft. go. Mr G's Objeftionsand Exceptions toour Argument from that foaling of the Spirit, confidered and removed: 31. The fame farther carried on &c: R Here remaines nothing for the confirmation ofthe firft branch, of part of theTruth p opofed, but only the confideration oftheoath f` ofGod; which becaufe it ought certainly to be an endofall flrife,f '`" fhall referve the handling of it to the clofe of the whole; if God be pleafed to carryus out thereunto, that we may giveThe OathofGod itsdue Honour, of being the 'aft word in this Conteft. The order of our method firff propofed would here call me to handle Our stedfaf.`ne(/e with God, and the Glory created uponourGrace ofSansvtification: but