Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

The influence ofchatOblation ofthe Per( ofSaints, CAr.VII. But becaufeTome men may admire, and afke, whence it is,that the Lord will i 59 abide fo Stedfaft in his Love towards Believers,as bathbeen manifefted up- on feverall accounts, that he will, befides what hath beenePaid before of his owneGoodnefl'e and Unchangeableneflè &c. I (hall nowadde that outward confideration,which lyes in the Mediation ofChrifl,upon the account whereof, he a&shis owne Goodneflè, and Kindneffe tous,wïth the gteateft advantage ofGlory adHonour to himfelfe, that can bethought upon. Only I (hall define the Reader toobferve, that theLord Jefius is an undertaker in this bufineffe of peddling our Salvation, and fafegarding our Spiritual! Glory, not in one regard and refpe& only; There is one part ofhis Ingagement therein, which; under the Oath ofGod, is'the dole of thewhole; and thatis, hisbecoming a furety to us ofhis Fathers Faithfulneflè towards us; and afuerty for us, ofour Fatthfulneífe tohim; fo that upon the whole matter, thebufineffeon each fide, as to fecurity, will be found knit up in him, and there we fhall do well to leave it though the handlingofthatfuertifhip of his be not afoul- prefent confideration; Men will fcarce difpute him out ofhis Faithfulnefle; Hence- forth hedyeth no more, death bath no more dominion over him, he flits at the right handof expet7ing to have his enemies made hisfootfloole: This then I will doe ifGad permit. And for the &edfaftneffe ofhisSaints, in their abiding withGod,I (hall (I feare) nootherwife infift peculiarly uponit,but as occafion thall beminiftred by dealing withour Advefary,as we paffe on. That which I fhall now doe, is, to confider the influence ofthe Preiflhood 4: 3. ofChrift in thofe two Grand A&s thereof, his Oblation & Intercejon, intothe PerfeveranceofSaints,accordingthat ofthe Apoftle Heb.5.27.Whereforehe is able alfo to fave to the uttermofl them that come unto God by him, feeing he liveth ever to make interceon for them. And I will doe it the more carefully, becaufe though it be one of the greateff ftrengthsafour Caufe, yet I (hall walke ina path,wherein none(hall meet me, for the molt part oftheway, to make any oppofition. My entrance into the confideration ofthe procurement ofour Glòry by 4. 4% Chrift, fhall be with that, whereby he came intohis owne,viz. his Oblation, whichhath a twofold influence into the Perfeverance ofthesaints, or into the Luk. 24. 24. Safeguarding of their Salvation to the utmoft. r. By removing and taking out of the way all canfesof feparation be- 114.59.2. tweene God, and thofe that come untoGod by him: that is, all Believers. Nowthefe are of two forts: r. That which is morali, & procuring filch feperation or diftance, which is the Guilt ofSinne. 2. That which is Efficient,&working as thepower ofsathan & o ffinne. The firft ofthefe, being that alone, for which it may be fuppofed that God will turne fromBelievers,and the latter,that alone,whereby they maypoffiblybe darned fromhim. Now that both thefe are fo takenout datewayby theobla tionofChrifl,that they (hall never a&wally& eventually works, or caufé any totall,or finall feparation betweene God&Believers,(ltall be demonftrated. r. He bath fo taken away the Guilt ofsinne from.Believers, from them 4,, that come to God by him, that it (!tall not prevaile with the Lord to turneEpitr. to. from them: He hash obtained for us Eternall RedemptionHeb. 9. 12. Eternall 2. 13,14,15, and comp/eat; norfo farce and f-.9 farce, but Eternal! Redemption hath heob- colt.t.2o, tained; Redemtion that (hall be compleated, notwithfianding any interveni- 21,22. ences imaginable what ever: This Redemption, whichhe bath obtained for 2.". 5.19, ns,andwhichby him we obtaine, theApoftle tells us what it is; andwherein ; ioh.1.;. it doth confrlt Ephef.1.2. In whom wehave Redemptionthrough his Blond, wriest theforgiveneffe ofAmer. He hathobtained for us everlafing forgiveneffe of Sinn