Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

C A P. V I I. Theguilt offin,how taken awayby the OblationofChritl. t Ea Sinnes; asto the compleat efficiency ofthe procuringcaufe thereof, abfolutely perfe& and compleat in itsowne kinde, not depending on any Condition in any other whatfoever, for the producing the utmoft effect intended in it There (hall be no after reckoningor account for finne,betweeneGod and them,for whom hefoobtainer Redemption. And theApofile in the t othChap- terofthe Epifile to theHebrews,difputes at large this difference, betweene the Typical Sacrifices,& the Sacrifice ofthe blood ofChrift;He tels you,thofewere offeredyeareby yeare, and could never make the corners to Godby themperf'etf: (or acquit them from finne)for then they could have had no moreConfcience offinne being once purged;but now(faith he)therewas a remembranceagain of finne renewed everyyeare, v.3,4. If finne had been taken away, there would have been no moreConfcience ofit: that is, no fuch Confcience, as upon the Account wherereof, they came for helpeunto, or healing by thofe Sacrifices: no moreConfciencecondemningforfine;Confcience judges according to the Obligation unto puni(hment; which it apprehends upon it. Confcienceof finne; that is, a tendernefe to finne, and a condemnation offinne,ftill continues after the taking oftheguilt of it away; but Confcience difquieting, judging, Rom.s.r. condemning the Perfon for finne, that vanifheth together with theguilt ofit ; And this is done, when the Sacrificefor finne is perfect and compleat, and really attaines the end for which it was inftituted; And ifany Sacrifice for finne what ever , doe not compleatly take away that finne for which the Oblation is made, and the Attonement thereby, fo that no after charge might come upon the fanner, iris of neceffity, that,that Sacrifice be renewed againe, andagain. The reafon the Apoffle gives ofthe repetition of theLegali Sacrifices, is, that they made not the comers to themperfeEt: that is,as to the taking away oftheir finnesandgiving them entire and complete peace thereupon; All this the Apoffle informes us, was don in theSacrifice of Chrift, v.54. with one offering he bath for everperfected(or made perfect that workefor them as to this bufineffeofConfcience for finne) them that are San- Etified5 His one Offering perfectly put an end to this bufineffe; even the diffe- rence betweene God and us, upon the account offinne; which ifhe had not done, it would have beene neceffary , that he (hould have been often offered, his Sacrifice; having not obtained the complete end thereof; That the eicacy ofthisSacrificeofhis, cannot depend on any thing forraigne unto it, (hall be declaredafterwards. Alfothat theneceffity ofourFaith and Obe- dience,in their properplace, is not in the leaft hereby impaired, (hall be ma- nifefted. That they may havea proper place, efficacy, andufefullneffe, and not be conditions whereonthe effe&s of the death ofChrift are fufpen- ded,as to their Communication unto us, is byTome denyed: how weakely, how fai ly, will then altoappeare.Now thisChrift doth for all that areSan- &ified,or dedicated,or confecrated unto God,(which isalmoft the perpetual! fence of that word in this Epifite) in,and by that Offeringof his. And this the Apoffle farther conmfires from theConfideration of the New Covenant with us, ratifyed in,and whole Effects were procured by, theBloud- fhedding andOfferingofChrift, v. t7. their firmer and their iniquitiesIwill remember no more.SaithGod, uponthe account ofthe Offeringofaril}, there is an end of thatbufineffe,and that Controverfy, which I have hadwith thofe SanEfifyed ones: and therefore let them (as to this) as to the making fatisfa&ion for finne, trouble themfeelves no more, to thinke of thoufandsofRammes, or the Mic.6.6,9. like; for there is no more offeringforfinne required; And on this foundation I may fay, thereBoth not remaine any fuch Guilt tobe reckon'd unto Belie- vers as,that with regard thereunto,God (hould forfake themutterly and give them over unto everlafting ruine; And this is thefutnme of the Apoffles dr£- courfe