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The efficacyoftheOb1,ofCh in its influence into theSts Perf. C.V1.4:6. courfe in that Chapter, as it lookes upon thematter under prefent confìdera- r 61 don. That Sacrifice,which fo taketh away the Sinnes of them,for whom'tis offered, as that thereuponthey (hould be perfe&, orperfe&1y accquítted of them, and have no more confcience (which is a judgement of a mans felfe, anfwering to the judgment ofGod concerninghim) offinne, fo to judge him and condemne him for it, as not to have remedyofthat Judgement or con- demnation provided in thatSacrifice,that (I fay) doth fo take away theGuilt of finne,asthat it {.hall never feparate between God andthen, for whom and whofe finne it was offered; but fuch was the Sacrifice of Chrift: Ergo; The Keafon ofthe Confegxence is cleare from the very forme of thepropofition; and nothing is affumed, but what is the expreffe Teftimony ofthe Apoftle,in that and other places? SoDaniel 9.24. Thedefigne in the Death of - Chrift, is to fanifh the Trani.- 4, 6. greffîon, to mattean endofSinne, andto make reconciliationfor iniquities, and to bring in everlafling Righteoufnefe; Chrift makes an end offinne: not that there (houldbeno more finne in the world; for there is yet finning to the purpofe, in fome refpe&, much more then beforehisdeath; and there will be ,fo toe. Heb.6.4,5. ternity, ifthofeunder the ultimatefentence may be thought to finne; but he 1O' 25. makes an endofit , as to theControverfy and differenceabout it, between God, and them for whom he died; and that by making Reconciliation; On Rom.5. io, the part ofGod, attoning him toward us, which Attonement we are perfwa- ded to accept: andby bringing in for us, a Righteoufneffe which is everla- Ira. 27.3,4 fting, and willabide the triall, whichGod will certainly accept: Now when 45.24,25 God isfatisfied for finne, and weare furnifhed with a R.ighteoufneffe exactly compleat, and anfwering to the utmoft ofhis demand, whencecan any more conteft arifeabout the guilt offinne, or the obligation of the firmer unto pu- nithment, that from theJuftice and LawofGoddoth attend it? Thisalto the Apoflle urgeth Rom. 8.34. Who k he thatcondemneth? It is Chri11 that died: He argueth from the death ofChrift to the ablation, or removall of Condem- Heb. 10.54, nation for finne; becaufeby his death he hatb made anend offinne, as was 15,16,17,18 (hewed, andbrought in everlafting Righteoufneffe. Tofufpend the iffüe of all thefe tranfa&ions between God, and the Mediator, upon conditions by us to be accompli(hed, not beftowed onus, purchafed for us, and as to theirevent uncertaine, is difadvantagioufly to begge the thing in que- (tion. Now becaufeit appears, that, notwithftanding the deathofthrift, many Cor.6.1 r. for whom he died, are kept a long feafon under theguilt offinne,. and are all Ep ,, 2.11,1a ,ofthenborne in a conditionofwrath, (Ephef. 2.3.) I fhall crave leave a little toinfift on this inftance, and to thew, that notwithftanding the Truth there- of, yet the guilt offinne is fo taken away, from all thofe for whom Chrift di- ed, byhisdeath, that it fhall never be a caufe of everlafting feparation be- tween God and them. Inthe Obedience and Death ofChrift, whereby as a 2 cor 5 1a, compleatly fufficient and efficacious meanes , he madeway, for the Accom- pli(hment of his eternal! purpofes, in fuck paths of infinite wifdome, as brought in all the good he aymed by it, in that order, which the very frame and nature ofthings by him appointed, required the exaltationofhis Glory, God is fatisfied, well pleated, and refolved that he will not takehis courfe at 'Law againft thofe, in the behalfe of whom hedied. Though an Arrefl was gone forthagainft all mankind , yet the Lord fufpended by his Soveraignty the utmoftExecution ofit, that tome and (pace might begiven, according to theEternal! thoughts ofhis heart, for the deliverance offorce. A reprieve is grantedmankinde out of Reafons, and for Purpofes of his owne: After the fenteuce ofDeathwas denounced againft them, God being pleafed to magnify