Cer.V11. g. 8. The immediat effeEts of the oblation ofChun. r62 magnify his Grace, according to his Eternall Councell, and purpofe in Jefus Chriff, innovates the Law, as to the Obligation of it untopnnifhment, on the Epn. t.e,t 1. behalfe of fume, byan interpofition ofthe Sonne ofhis love in fuch way, as to 2Tim.1.5. ileb 7.22. undergoe what was due unto thole, on whole behalfe the interpofition was 10.9 made: andby this undertaking ofChrift, in the very fiat notionof it, as it 2cor.5.21. was fatisfadory, thusmuch is done and accomplifhed. ß S. Firft, the vindiefiveNuffice ofGod is fatisfyed; that is, whereas fuck is the Geuas.ss.' tsaturall Right , Soveraignty, and DominionofGod over his Creatures; and J °rn'24''9' fuch his Effentiall Perfeáions ofHolineffe, Purity, andRighteoufnefe, that if Pfa1.5.4,5,6. ttab.l. t.3. his Creaturescalf offhis yoake, and their dependance on him(which they do R .1.183 by every finne, what in them lyeth) it is then of indifpenfable neceffity,that he render unto that finne,or (inner, guilty thereof,a meet Recompenceof Reward: Yid. Dint. de Jefus Chrift hath foanfweted his ftighteòufnefle, that without'the impairing Jeff.Div. ofhis Right, or soveraignty,without the leaff derogation from his Perfeetions, he may receivehis finningCreatures againe' to favour ; It beingthe Yudg- went ofGod, that they, who commitfnne, are worthyofDeath Rom. 1.32. and a Righteous thing with him,ro render Tribulation to inners: r Thef' 1.6,7: (For fhall not the judgeofall the world do right? Gen. 18.) He bath let forth his Sonneto Declare he'sRighteoufraefe for the forgiveneffe offinnesRom.3.24,25. Now forwhom Chrifl dyed,he dyed for all their fiinnes, s `John 1.7. The Blood ofChrift cleanfeth to from allfonae; TheApplicationofit being cornmenfu- rate tohis intendment inhis Oblation, not extending it felfe to the aetuall effeáingofany thing whatever, whichwas not meritorioufly procured there- by. He loved his Church, and gave himfelfeforit, that he might Sanctify, and Gleanfe it with thewafhing ofwater,that he might prefentit to himfelfea Glorious Church, not havingfpotte or wrincle, or any fach thing, bit that itfbould be Holy andwithout blame Ephef.5.25,26,27. He,makes compleateAttonement to the Juffice ofGod on their behalfe,fo that the very vindictivefuftrce ofGod hath nothing to lay to their charge. That which in God maíntaines the Quarrel] againff !inners Is attoned, and is no more their Enemy than Mercy it felfe: And this not upon condition of Believing to be antecedently accomplilbed beforethis be done. TheSatisfal ion ofJuffice vindiáive de- pends not at all on any thing in us; it requires only that there be vindrlla time a vindication oftheSoveraigntyofGod,over the finningCreature, by the infliáioon of that punifhmient, which in his Infininite Wifdomeand Righteoufnef(e,hebath proportioned unto(inne, on a ftippofition of Gone in fuchCreatures, asbeing made meet and fitto yeild voluntaryObedience unto God, and fo fianding in a morali fubjeáion tohim, being their cutting off,what lyes in them, their dependance on God,(which that it fhould be continued, is as neceffary as that God be God, or theLord ofall) Thofe Creatutes are upon theaccount ofthe Soveraignty & RighteoufneffeofGod, whereof we fpeake, indipenfably obnoxious unto punifhment, which is of neceffityrequired unto Godsretaining his Dominion over them. By the DeathofChriff,rhis Condition isfo farre repaired, that the dependance and fubjeáion untoGod, of thofe,for whom he Dyed, is madeup, fo farre asto a deliveranceofthem, from aneceffityof being obnoxious unto punifhment, . and that compleately,without any Abeyance upon conditions in themfelves, which can haveno influence thereunto. So that though the precesof theLaw, John 3.3e. lent for 2Cot.5. ta. th,be not inftantly recalled,but man is fuffered to lye under that arreft E 3. for a yet God lets fall his fuit on this account,and will never paffe his r Fral 2t.3,í. ftrff fentence, from which we are reprieved, unto full and final] execution: Nlath.17.5. pronouncing himfelfe, well pleafed with his Sonne, refhng fatifyed with his mediatory performances, and feeking no farther. 2.