The efficacy oftheOb1.fChin its influence intotheSt Perf.C.V1.4.1o. 2. TheLawofGod is fulfilled.Unleffe this be anfwered in all concerne- r63 ments of it the Lordwould be thought to change his Will, to reverie his Word, and toblurre the Coppyofhis owne Holineffe. There is in thewhole Law, and every parcell ofit an eternall indifpenfable Righteoufneffe and Truth: arifingeither from the nature of things themfelves concerning which it is or the Relation ofone thing unto another. That to feare God, to Love him,to Obey him,to doeno wrong,are everlaftingly indifpenfablely good & neceffary,is from the natureofthe things themfelves: only with this fuppofi- tion , thatGod would make Creatures capable ofyeilding him fuchObedi- ence. That that which is good, thall be fo rewarded, that which is evill fo punifhed, isallo an everlafting truthupon fuppofition of fucha&wall perfor- mances. Whereas then ofthis Law there are two parts, the oneAbfolute or Preceptive, in the Ruleand commands thereof, Theother Conditional!, and rewarding in its Promife, or condemning in its curfe, Chrift. by his death put himfelfe, in their behalfe,for whom heDyed, (to fpeake to that panicu- lar)under the curfeofit. Gal. 3.53. He Redeemed usfrom the curfeoftheLaw, Roma.;. being made e curfe for us; neither is this at allfufpendedon our Believing; The Gáÿ41°g 5;6. Law doth not threaten a Curfe,only if wedo not Believe, but ifwe do not Philipp.3.p. all things written therein; whether we believe or not, the Law takes no no Deut.27. 26. tice, as to the Curie that it denounceth; If there hath been any finne, that mutt be executed. And the Law is for the Curie, as Ifaac forthe the great Gen. 29. 21. Spirituali Blefhng; He had but one; it 'bath but one great Curie, and that beingunderrgoneby Chrift, it hath not an other for them, in whole Read Chrift underwent it;God having made him to be fnformwho !¿new nofin, we becomethe Righteoufne(feof God in him; All feparation from God is by the 2 eor.gsr. Curie oftheLaw; All that is required in it, by it, is, that it be undergone this is done by Chrift for all Believers: that thereby is taken away, which alone can feparate them from God,or put any diftance between them: But ofthis, and their fubje&ion to the Curie before their Believing, more after- wards. . 3. The Trath,or veracityofGodwas particularly ingagedto fee finpunifhed, 4, lo, upon the account ofthe Promùlgatib ofthe firlt expresSan &ion oftheLaw; In theday thoueatefl,thoußialt dye;For the fatisfÿing the ingagement ofGod's Gen.s.i9. Truth, there feem'd to be a tender made in the Sacrifices inftituted of old: but it was reje&ed,as infuflicient to make good that Word of God, fo emi- nently given out; There was neither any fuch Relation,LTnion, or Conjun&i- on between the (inner and the innocent Creature Sacrificed, or any fuch reali worth in the Sacrifice it felfe,as that the Deathofthe fubltituted beaft, might by any meanes befo interpreted, as to amount to the accomplifhment of the TruthofGod :Death being once denounced, as the rewardoffinne. Heb. ro. 5,6. SacrificesandOfferings for finne thou wouldefi not, in burnt-Offerings and sacrificesforfinnethou had/! no pleafure; but faith our Saviour Lo Icome to do thywill, O God, v. 7. Will that do it ? Yea, it will affuredly,for in the volume ofhis Booke itis written,that he Auldfo do; All that God willed to be done for the accomplifhmentofhis Truth, was fulfilled byChrift, when he came to give up himfelfe aTweet finelling Sacrifice, Ephef, 5. 2. God then may be true, His Truth being falvedto the utmoft, though never any one of them, for whom Chrift Dyed, doe dye:But this to the SalvationofBelievers, is on- ly as removens rohibens. 4. Thedifibutive7ufiiceofGod is, upon this Oblation ofChrift ingaged upon the Covenant and compa&made withÇhrift as Mediator, to that pur-,u. pofe,tobeftow on them, for whom heOffered and Dyed, all thegood things which he promifed himfor them, inand upon the account ofhis undertaking Y 2 iu