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CAP.V11, 4; I;. The mediat effe&sof the oblation ofChrift. 164 in their behalfe: Thediftributive Juftice ofGod,is that perfe&ion ofhisNa- ture, whereby he rendreth to every one, according to what,either his vindi- itt;,83";`,43.5. ¿liveVice on the one fide, or his Uprightneffe, and Faithfulneffe, on the 65.5. other, do require. In rewarding, it refpeél s his owne Faithfulnefle in all his 71.2. ingagements immediately,in punifhing,the demeritofthe Creature: there he- 96.13. 98.2 ing no fuchnaturali connexion and neceflàrycoherence, from the nature of 103.17. the things themfelves, between Obedience andReward, as there is between 141.1.1` Sinne and Punifhment. Pral .7,9. Now the Lord havinggiven many eminent and Glorious Promifes to his 110.3.7. Sonne Jefus Chrift, (fomewherof we (hall mention afterwards) concerning 95.13,84 hisSeed, andOfspring, or thofe that he committed to his charge, to beRe- 52.13,14. deemed from their finnes, it is incumbent on him,in regardofhis Righteouf- S3.I1 neffe, to makeout all thofe things in due timeunto them. Andtherefore that 59.20. Joh.' 2. 51, he might magnify that Righteoufneffe &Truth ofhis,he bath cati the whole 52. procedure of his Grace, into fuch away, and all the A&s of it, into fuch a dependance upon one another, as that theone ofthem; fhould have infallible influence into the other, and the effe&s'of every one of them be rendred in- dubitably certaine. Thus upon theAccount ofthe DeathofChrift,antecedently to all confedera- I1á 53.6, tions ofFaith, or Beliefe, in them for whom he Dyed, thus much is done, for GaL4.4,5 the extinguifhing the quarrell about Gone: The vmdiEfive aftice, Lam, and Io.5,6' Truth ofGod are difin ed from purfuing the Sentence of Death and Rom. 8.33, Everlafting Separation fromGod, againft them as fìnners; Neither have they 34. at all anything to lay to their charge,for which they fhould be caft out of the 42.33.11,12. prefence ofGod:Yea the Lord is moreover,in his owneFaithfulnefle &Righ- t om.4 25 teoufneflè, with refpe&to the Covenant ofthe Mediator,ingaged todoe that E1311.1.3. . which is needful!,to the bringingof them to himfelfe; After Come previous Obfervations,I ¡hall confirme what hathbeen fpoken, by fundry Arguments. I fay then, Firft, that it is a molt vaine fuppofall,which Ionic make: What ifanyone of them, for whom Chrift Dyed, fhould dye in anUnregenerate Condition? Would not the Juflice and condemning Power ofthe LawofGod, notwith- ftandingthe DeathofChrilt, lay hold upon them ? It is I fay a fuppofall of that,which in fenfucompofito,is impoffible& fo in that fence's-however upon o- Joh.3.16,17, ther refpe&s it may) not tobeargued from;Chrift Dyed,that thofe for whom 7.33. he Dyed might Live;that they mightbe quicknedand borne againe. AndIo 2cor.5.14, they ¡hall,in their due feafon,every one undoubtedly be,and not any ofthem 15 dye in theirfinnes. Secondly, that our Affirmation, is not in the leaft lyable to thatException which ufually men infift upon, in oppofitionunto it: viz. That ifChriffhath fo fatsfyed 7u.11ice, and fulfilled the Law, in reference to all them,for whom he dyed, that the fentence of Condemnation fhould not be iffued out againft them, but they muff infallibly be Saved; then there is no neceffetyy, either that they doe at all Believe, or iftheydo, that they live in Holineffe, rra53.5,6, and the avoidance of Sinne; all that being accomplilhed, which by thefeme- 11,12, diums is fought for. I fayour pofition in it (elfe is no way lyable to this Ex- Da0.9.24 ception: For Rom.a.32,33 Firft though the u ice Lam andTruth ofGod be fatisfyed and fulfilled, iteh. ,14,15 as to their finnes,that h hath not,as on that account,any thing to lay to their Ro e; et this hinders not at all, but that God may affigne and afcribe fuck as3' 4i awayfortheir coming to him, as maybe fuited to the exaltingofhis Glory, 9. 32 theHonour offefus Chrift, who hath brought all this about,,and the prepa- Joh.5.23. ringofthe fouleof the (inner for the full enjoyment of himfelfe; & this he hat