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The influenceoftheOblation ofCh. into thePerl ofSts. CAP.V11. 4.t2. bath done by the Lam of Faith , which gives him the Glory of his 165 Grace, and all his other Attibutes, exalts Jefias Chrift, whom it is his will wefhould Honour, as we Honour himfelfe & emptyes the poore finfull 4;1'1.621. Creature of it feife,that it may be made meetfor the Inheritanceof the Saints Phlip.3$,9, its Light. 10,11. SecondlyThis confideration oftheDeathofChrift, ofhis freeing usfrom Eph.5.25i condemnation for any, or all ofour finnes, isnot tobe taken apart, or fepa- 26,27. rated from theother, of his procuring the Haly;Spirit, and Grace for us, that .24` -5,, we lhould not commit finne, being borne ofGod, with all the difpenfations joh.. 17. :;. ofPrecepts and Promifes, Exhortations and Threatnings whereby he mo- mat.28.11, 9,2P. rally carryes on the worke of his Grace, inthe heartsof his Saintsg Petting us Eph,4,T2,T3, free from thepat offinne, he fo farre alto fets us free from thePower offinne, 14. that we thould be dead to it, live no longer in it, that it should not raigne in Rom. 6.2,3, Of nor prevaile to turne us utterly fromGod. 4'5'5' &c. Thirdly,they feeme not much to be acquainted with the natureofFaith, Holineffé, andCommunion with God, who fuppofe the endof them, is only for the efcapeingofthe Wrath that is to come; they are the things, whereby we Eph.4.22. aredaily renewed, and changed into the ImageoftheGlory ofGod, and tonot 2Co,.5. '5. Rom.r. t,2: only made ufefutl,and fervicea6le tohim here,bur all() prepared for the full 2cor.3.T s. neflè ofhis Likeneffe, wherewith we (hall be fatisfyed hereafter. Where- fore obferve Fourthly, that though this complete Attonement be made in the Death of Chrift, yet it remaines free in the bofome of God, when he will begin our Mats °.5,5. AFlrsall Deliverance,fromunder that arreftofDeath,that was gone out againft us, and how farre in this Life hewill carry it towards perfe&ion; It isI fayin 2Thef:r.,r, his bofome, when he will bellowhis Spirit on us, for Regeneration & Faith; I°h3.8. when he willa&wally abfolve us from under the arreft of the Law, by the Application ofhis Mercies inChrift unto us, by the Promifeof theGofpell;& how farre he will carry on the worke ofour deliverance from finne, in this 2Pec T.r. Life. Only that is done, upon the account whereof, it is impoffible that the quartell againft finne, fhould be carryedon to the utmoft Execution ofthe fenten ce denounced towards thofe (inners, for whom Chrift dyed; which I proveby thefe following Arguments. Firft, it is plainely affirmed, that Chrift by his Death obtained everlafling 4'12. redemption. Heb: 9.12. heobtained everlaftingRedemption, beforehis afcen- ding into the molt holy place, calledelfewhere thepurgingofo urfinnes. Now Heb. T.3. this Redemption (aswas Paid) the Apoftle informes us to confift in thefor- givenefe offinnes, Ephef.1.7. inwhomwe have redemption through his blond, e- ven the forgiveneffeoffnnes;or the Intercifionofthat Obligationunto punith- ment,which attends finne, in reference to the(inner, and his fubje&ion to the LawofGod,and therighteoufneflè thereof. As the oblation of Chrift refpe- &ethGod and hisjuftice, towhom it is given as a price and Ranfome, and whereof it is anAttonement, fo it is, and is called (orwe are Paid to receive thereby)Redemption: As it refpe&s them,who receive the benefit ofthat Re- demption, it is the forgivenef(eoffinnes. Forgiveneffe of finnes , as tis corn- Rom. pleated, and terminated in the Confciences ofBelievers, requireth the inter- pofition ofFaith, for the receivingof Chrift in the Promife, who of God is ,Cor.T.3o, made unto as Righteoufneffe; but in refpe&of the procurement ofit , and the removing all caufes, upon theaccount whereof, finne tbould be imputed unto Rom.4,4, us, that is perfe&ed in the oblationofChrift; hencehe is fa id to beareourfins in his ownbody on theCroffe; 1 Pet:2.24. and being once on him, either hewas difchargedofthem, orhe milli for ever lye under the burthenofthem: They wereon himon the Tree, what is then becomeofthem ? Ifhewere freed Y 3 of