C AP.V11.4 i3 Theguilt offin,how taken awayby the Oblation of Chrilt i66 of them, and Juftifyed from them (as he was, Ifa. 50.8,9.) how fhould they ever be laidto our charge? And yet this freedome from condemnation for fin, for all theEle&, whichGod himfelfefo clearly afferts Rom. 8.32.33. &c. Both not in the leaf( fet them free from the neceffityofObediençe,noracquit them from contra&ing the guilt of fin,.upon the leaf( irregularity or difobedi- ence. Secondly, we arefaid to doe,together with Chrift, thofe things, which he Rom. 6.5,8. Both for us inhis own perfon: and that upon the account of that benefit, 2 Cor. s. 15, which by thofe his perfonall performances, loth redoundunto us, andwhich i6 being done, the Quarrel' about finne, as tomakean utter feparation between Col. 3. T. God andour fouls, iscertainly removed ;Thus we are faid to dy with him, to Rom.6.9. be raifed again with him , and with himwe enter into the holy place; this wholebufineffe about fin being paffed through:for he that is dead , is juftifyed from fin. Nowall this being done byus, and for us,in,& byour head,canwe henceforth dyany more? Ihall death any more have dominion overus ? This the Apoftle argues, 2Cor. 5. 15. wejudge(faith he)that ifone dyed all,then were all they (that is,all thofe for whom he dyed ) dead,ordyed likewife; they were dead in, and with him, their, fpon(er, as to the curfe due for'fin, that henceforth they might live to him that dyedfor them. Thirdly, the Compa&or agreement,that was between the rather and the Sonneas Media tor, about the bufineffe of our Redemption in his blood, ma- Prat.4o.3. nifefts this Truth. The Father required at his hands, that he íhould doe his 115,53.10,11. mill, fulfill his pleafure andcounfell, make hisforale an offering forfinne, and Heb.io.5,9,7:do that which the Sacrificesof Bulls &Goates fhadowed out,but could never effe&:upon theperformance whereof,hewas tofee his Seed,and to bring ma- Heb.2,1o. ny Sonnes toGlory. (Acovenanting and agreement into an uncertaine 18ùe and event (as that muff be of God and the Mediator, if theSalvation of the perfons,concerning which, and whom it was,be not infallibly certaine)ought not at any cheap rate,or pretence' to bealigned to infinite Wifdome.) In the Accomplifhment of this undertaking, whereunto Chrift was defigned, Rom.8.32. the Father dealt with him in ftriet and rigid Juftfce : There was nei- 2Per.2.4. thercompofition about the debt, nor commutation about the punifhment, 2cor.5.21. that he had taken upon himfelfe:Now doth not exa& Juftice,require, that GaL3r3 the Ranfomebeing given in, thePrifoners be delivered ? That thedebt being Heb.2.9. paid, the bond be cancelled, as to any power of imprifoning the Originall debtor?That punishment being undergone, and the Law fulfilled, theoffen- dor goefree?Efpecially all this being covenanted for,in the firft undertaking; doubtleffe wrath(hall not arife a fecond time The right knowledge,ufe,and improvement of thisGrace, being given,bounded,& direeredby the Gofpell, it is fafegaaded from abufe, by that which God calls his owne Wif- dome. Fourthly, itappearesfrom what God beftowes upon his Ele&, upon the Account of the undertakingof Chrift for them (inthe purfuit ofthe Eter nail purpofe ofhisWill) antecedently to any thing whatfoever in them, that should ingage him to do them the leaf( good; when God comes as a friend to hold out unto, & bellow good things upon men,(I meane)good in that kind ofMercy, which is peculiarly fuited to the bringing of them to the enjoy- ment of himfelfe, it is evident that he hath put an end to all enmity and lua.59.2o.2r quarrell between himn& them:Now antecedently unto any thing in men,God Rom.8. u. for Chrifts fake beftowes,with the greateft a&of friendship imaginable, no c'i 5'22' Ieffe than the holy spirit on them. Byhim they are uickned; & their Faith is rCor.9.4, Y P Y 9 zcor3.5. but a fruit of that Spirit bellowed on theta;Iftheyhave not any fufficiency in Épha2.i,i,themfelves, as much as to thmka good thought,nor can doe any thing, that is accep-