C A P.V1L4,t3.The guilt offin,how taken awayby the Oblationof Chilli.. 168 concurrence ofa&wall Faith,to the compleatingof juftification in the foule' of thefinner,with a no leffe dangerous reflection upon theTruth, dofufpend the efficacy ofthe deathofChrift uponourbelieving,which gives life,& vigour,& virtue unto it,(as they fay)& is the foieoriginally difcriminating caufe, ofall the benefits we receive thereby; without the antecedent accomplifhment of that condition in us, or our A&uall believing, it is not (fay they) nor will be ufefull: yea that the intentionofGod is, tobeftow upon us the fruits and ef- fects ofthe death ofChrift, upon condition we do Believe, which that we Thal], is no part ofhis purchafe, and which we canofour, felves performe, fay forceofthem, others not. Doubtlefe thefe things arenot (being rightlyf1a -. ted) in the leaft inconfiftent; Chrift mayhave his due, and we bound to the performance ofour duty; which might be cleared byan enlargement of the enfuing Confiderátions: s. Firft, That all good things, that are fpirituall whatfoever , that are wrought eitherfor men, or in them, are fruits of the death of Chrift . They have nothingofthemfelves, but nakedneJfe, blood, and fnne,guil tand impeni- tency, fo that it is ofindifpenfable neceffity, that God fhould Thew them fa- vour, antecedently toanyA&of their Believing on him. Faith is given for Chrifts fake, aswas obferved. 2. Secondly, That all the Effe&s and Fruitsof the deathofChrift , ante- cedent toour `Believing, are depofited in thehandof the Righteoufneffe,and s Tim.2.5,6. FaithfulneffeofGod, towhom, as a ranbine, it was paid, as an Attonenrent, it Heb.2.17. wasoffered, before whom, asaprice and purchafe, it was laid down. It is all ;9Or. 5''8' left in the handsofGods Faithfulneffe, Righteoufnefle, Mercy, and Grace, to Cor. 6. 19, be made out effettual]y to them,for whom he died, in the appointed timeor 20. feafon. So that, 3. Thirdly, The ftate or condition of therefor whom Çhrift died, is not Eph.2.r,z,3, a&wally and really changed byhis death, in its (elfe 5 but they lye under the 4,s. curfe, whileft they are in the ftateofnature, unregenerate, and all effects of John346' finne whatever: That which is procured for them, is left in the hand of the Father; They are not in the leaft intrufted with it, untill the Appointed time do come. q. Fourthly, That Faith andBeliefe are necefhaty, not to adde any thing to compleat the procurement of forgiveneffe offins, anyor all ; but only to the A&uall receiving ofit, when upon the account ofthe death ofChrift, it pleafeth God,in the Promifeof theGofpell, tohold it out,and impart it unto thefoule, thereby compleating Covenant-juftification And thus the whole bufinefeofSalvation, may be refolved into the mediationof Chrift, and yet men carried on, under an orderlydifpenfation of Law and Gofpell, into the Alts 13. 38, enjoyment of it. Ofthe whole, thefe degrees areconfiderable. Bóms.r°. Gods eternal] purpofe of Caving force, in, and by the mediation of joh.3.16 Chrift, that mediation of Chrift being interpofed between the purpofe of áJ h.4;io God, and the accomplifhmentofthething purpofed, as the fruit and efle&of rieb.2.17. the one, the meritorious procuring caufe of the other. This Aft of the Will 914 ofGod, the Scriptureknowes by no other name then that of Ele&ion, or 7,8,9.8/2. Predeftination, or the PurpofeofGod accordingtoEle&ion, or the Purpofe mom. 911. ofhis Will in Jefiis Chrift, which though it comprize his Will of not punifh- 3°h'3'36' in them in their own erfons that are within the verge Ofthis his Purpofe, Roms6,8 yet it is not properly an A&Hof forgivenefle of finnss ,nor are they pardo- céé 53?1 nedby it, nor is the Law actually innovated, or its obligation on them unto Rom. 3. 23, punifhment diffolved, nor themfelves juftifiedin any fence thereby. 24, 5 2. ThatinterpofitionoftheLord Chrift, whereofwehave been treating, z cor.i. 30. being a medium indifenfabl necetar as to fatisfa&ion and freelydefigned m :rh.,7s P Y Y' Y Y