Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

The Power ofSathan,in and over men.How destroyedby Ch. C. V 11 s: i by thewill and Wifdome ofGod,for filch a procurementofthegood things 169 defigned inhis Eternall Counfell , as might advance the Glory ofhis Grace, and make knownehis Righteoufneflè , alfo: And thisbeing fixed on by God, as the only thing by him required, that all the Mercies , all the Graceof his eternall Purpofe, might be difpenfed in the order by him defigned unto them; upon the performance ofit, God refteth,as well pleafed, and they for Rom.5.9 io. whom he hath mediated by his Blood, or for whom he is confidered foto 2 COI'. 5.18, have done, are reconciledunto God, as to that part of Reconciliation; '9 2' which refpe&s the Love ofGod, as to the difpencing the fruits ofit; "e".24* unto them, even unleffethey are enemies, upon the accounts before men- tioned. 3. Things being thus frated between God, and them for whom Chrift 2 tor. 5.2%. dyed, on the account ofhis death Goda&ually abfolves them from under Rom6.11. that fentence and Curfe ofthe Law, by fending the Spiritofhis Sonne into their hearts,toquicken them and to implant Faith in them. Aud in what A& ofGod to place his a&uall abfolution of finners, ungodly perlons whom Chrift dyed for, but in this a&uall collationofthe Spirit, and habit of Grace on them, I am not as yet fatisfyed:neither doth this in any meafilre confound ourJuftification, andSanaification:For nothing hinders,but that the fame Ae, as it isoffree Grace, in oppofition to workes,or any thing in us, may juftify us,or exert the fruit ofhis Love, which was before purchafed by Chriff, in our Gracious Acceptation, notwithftanding all that was againft us: and alfo by principlingus with Grace forObedience, San&ify us throughout. 4.., Thisbeing dones they, with whom God thus Gracioufly deales, re- ceive the Attonement, and being Juftifyed by Faith, have peace with God. But this isnot the matter, or fubje& ofour prefent Conteff. This then is the firft influence,which the Bloodfhedding in the death &OblationofChrift, bath intó theSaints continuance of the Love and Favour ofGod; It taketh away the guilt offinne,that it (hall not be fuch aprovocation to the eyes ofhis Glory, (his Lawbeing fulfilled, and Juftice fatsfyed) as to caufe himutterly to turneawayhis Love from them, And they becoming the Righteoufnefie 2 cor.s2t. ofGod inhim, to all intents and purpofes , what fhould feparate them from the Loveof God ?He bath made peace in the Blood ofthe Croffe of his Eph:2.7471 9 Sonne, andwill notingage in enmity againft hisEle& anymore to Eternity: Rom. 2. 32, tut in his owne way and own time (ashe hath the Soveraigntyofall in his 33. hands) he will'bring them infallibly to the enjoyment ofhimfelfe. And thus much by this difcourfe about theoffe&s ofthe Death ofChrift,have we clearely obtained;what Chrift aymes to áccomplifh by his. Death, andwhat . was thedefigne and intention of the Father, that he fhould accomplifh, that c_annotfaile of its iffue and appointed event, by any interpofure what- ever. That the effe&uall removal] ofevery thing,that might intercept,hinder, or turneafide theLove and Favour of God from them,for whom he dyed; is the defigned effe&ofthe death ofChrift, bath beendemonftrated.This then, in theorder,where in it bath feemed good,to the infiniteWifdome ofGod to proceed in difpencing his Grace unto finners, fhall certainely befulfilled, and all Believers Paved to the utmoft.. I come,in théfecond place,to demonftrate,that as our Saviour fecuresthe 4 15. ítability oftheLoveofthe Saints to God, and their abiding with him, by taking away and removing, what ever might hinder them therein, or pre -- vaileupon them utterly and wickedly to depart from him;That whichme- ritoriouflymightcaufe God to turne from us, heutterly deftroies and abo- Jiffies, and that,which efficiently mightcaufe us to turnefrom God, that allo.. Z he