CAP.V il, §. ,o. The Power ofSathanhow broken byChrift's death, 17o hedeftroyes and and removes. Now all,that is of this kind, that workes ef- fe&ually and powerfully for the alienating ofthe hearts of Believers from God, or kecping men ina Bate ofalienation fromhim, may be referredun- Gen.3.17. to two principles. i. Sathan himfelfe. 2 His Workes; The world, as under the Curfe, is an inffrument in his hand, who is called the God there- 2 eor.q.q. of, to allure, vex, and mifchiefe us withali; neither hash it the leaft power Nath.4.9. or efficacy in it felfe, but only as 'tis managed in the handof sathan to turnemen fromGod. And yet the Lord Chriff hash not let that goe free, John r6. 32. neither without its deaths wound, but bids his followers be ofgood comfort, 051.1.4. forhe had overcome theWorld; that is, forthem, and in their ffead ; fo that it ijohn 54'5. ihould never beufed nor heightned in its enmity to aconqueft over them51 meanea totall and finali Conqueft, fuch as might fruftrate any intention of God in hisundertaking for them: It is not our lotíeof a littlebloud, but out iofï'e ofLife, that makes the enemyaConqueror. But now for Satan. 3 r6. I. Firffheovercomes,deffroyes, and breakes him in pieces, with his power: Heb:2.I4 by death he deflroyedhim,that had thepower ofdeath, that is, the Divell. The firft thing that was promifed ofhim, was, That he fhould breake theheadof the serpent : Gen. 3.15. He doth it alto in, and for the feed ofthe Woman , all the Fleet ofGod, oppofed to the feed of the Serpent, or Generation ofVipers. In purfuit hereof, he fpoyles Principalities and Powers, andmakes aPhewofthem openly,triumphing over them in hisCrofJe, Cot. 2. 1 In theblondofhis Croffe he conquered,and brake the power ofthe Divell,bind- ing thatfirong man Armed, andfpoyling his goods, makinga thewof him , and them, as great Conquerors were wont to doe with their Captives and their fpoyles. Now there are twowaies , whereby theblond of Chtiff thus brake the power of Satan, that he (hall not lead thofe aiwaies captive at his pleafure, nor rule in them, as Childrenof difobedience, in the behalfe of whomhis power was fo broken. I. Firff, He fubdues him by takingaway all that Right and Title, which he hadby (inne, to rule over them: I fpeake of the Ele&of God. By the en- tranceofFnne, the Divell entredupon a two fold rule in referenceto (inners; Firff, ARule over them with the terrour and dread ofdeath and Hell ;they lieba.14, are in bondageby reafonofdeath, all their daies, Heb: 2.15. And the Divell hath the power ofthat death upon the World , whereunto they are in bon- dage. The death , that is in the Curfe, is put into his hand to manage it, to the dread and terrour of(inners; andby it he bath al waies keptmany, and to this day doth keep innumerable foules in unexpreffiible bondage : putting them upon Barbarous Inhumanities; to make Attonernent for their finnesr and forcing fometo infli& revenge and deffru&ion upon themfelves,thinking toprevent, but really haftening that which they feare. As ofold , this power Drat. de 34 ofhis lav at thebottome ofall the Abominations, wherew,jthmen provoked God, when they thought toAttone him as by burning their Children in the Y g D v>< fire, and the like. Mic.6. 7,$. So at prefent is it the principle ofall that fu- Levit.18.2! perffitious Will-worfhip, and Religious drudgery , which is fpreadover the Dent. 19.ío Antichriffian World:yea the inventionsomen, ignorant of the Righteouf- 2xinas 21.6. Y 23.1o. neffe ofGod, and convincedoftheir own infufficiency toperforme, worke sChr. 33.6. out, and effablifha Righteoufneffe of their owne, that (hall perkfly anfwer 30%32. 35 theexait holy demands ofthe Law, as far asto them is difcovered,to deliver themfelves fromunder tliis dread ofDeath,wherewith he,that bath thepow- er ofit,terrifies them,.. all their dales, are indeed the foundation, and fpnng, the fumme and fubffanceofall Religions in the World, and the darlingofalt Religious Perfons, in, andwith whom, Chrift isnot all andin all. Andhere- in