The PowerofSathan,in and overmenHow dearoyedbyCh, C. V11.4:27. in,have the Papifis gon one notable (kipbeyond all their predeceffours in fit- 171 perftition and devotion: for whereas they univerfally contented themfelves, with facrifices, purifications, purgations, luftrations, fatisf1Etions, recompen- festo be in this life performed, thefe latter, more refined, filblimated mer- curiall wits,obferving that nothing, they could here invent, would fettleand charme the fpirits ofmen haunted with the dread ofdeath we fpeake of,but that infiantly they came againe with thefame difquietneffe as formerly, & renewed mention offinne, upon the infufficiency ofthe Attonement fixed on for itsexpiation, they found out that noble expedient ofthe future Purgato- ry, which might inaintaine the foules of men in fome hopes in this life, and fecure themfelves from the cryes& complaints ofmen, agamft the infufficien- cy oftheir Remedy, which they doe prefcribe 2. As he rules over men by death, andhell that followesafter, fo alCo he rules in menby finne, he ruleth in the children of'difobedience. Eph,2.2. And to this end, to fecure men to himfelfe, he being thatfiring man armed, who hath the fir(t poffeflìon, and labours to keepe what he hath got, in peace, he Mach. r2, 9; lets up flrong holds, Imaginations, and highthings, againíl God. 2 Cor. 45. Mar Ìi.2í. Now this twofold power ofSathan, over men and in men, do both arifefrom finne : whereby men are firft, call out of Gods Love and care, becoming ob- noxious to death. And fecondly are alienated from God, in willing fttbje&i- on to his Enemy: And both thefe parts and branches of his dominion, are, in referenceunto the Ele&, call downe and deftroyed and taken away. For Firft, Chrift byhis Death Cafheires the Title and Claime, that Sathan lay'd 4.17 tothe exercife ofany fuch power in referenceunto the Ele&. When men caft downe any-fromRule, they may interrupt, and put by their exercife ofany power, but theycannot take away their Title, unleffe it beof their owne giving; Chrift by his Death, takes away the verybottome, foundation, and occafion ofthe whole power of Sathan. All the power of Sathan in the firft Gen.3.3 fence, confiffs in death, and thole things that either conduce to it or do at- Dan. 27.29. tende it. Now death entred by finned and there withal! the power ofSathan. Korn° 5.12° The LordJefus taking away finne, and puting anend thereunto, as wasmani= 2,i felted, thewhole Titleof Sathan falls and comes tonothing. And this was 15. 4 really done in the Croffe: its manifeftation by :the Gofpell enfuing there- Col.2.15. upon according to the appointment ofGod. Tirr3 Secondly he takes away the exercifeof his power, and that to theutmoft. 4. is. For I. He binder him with bonds,He binds7the firong man ArmedMath, i 2.19. And he brea4s his head. Gen, 3:15. Then leader himcaptive.fa1.68. i8.Trinmpha over him. Col ° 1° 16. Treads him down under thefeet ofhis. 'Rom. 16.20. as the Kings ofCanaan were trod downe under the feet oftheChildren ofIfrael;then John to. 24. defiroyes him Heb, 2.1q.. What exercife ofpower is left,to a conquered.bound, wounded, captived,triumphed over, trodden downe, deftroyed Caytife ? Think yee this wretch fhall ever wholy prevaile againft any one ofthem, for wholefake, all this was done to him ? Neither can this with any colourof reafon be Paid to be done for them, or with refpe& unto them, towards whom the power ofSathan remaines entireall their dayes, whom he leades captive and rules over at hispleafure, until! death take full dominion over them. 2. Ashe deftroyesSathan, fohe dothhis workes; For this caufe was he manefelled, even to degray the worl¿es ofthe Divell. a `John 3.8. Hedoth not only binde the ftrong manarmed, but allo he fpoiles his Goods. Whatfoever Lnk,12.21. is inmen, that followes from that corrupted principle ofnature, is reckoned Z 2 to