CAP.V11 19. T he tmmediat effets of the oblation ofChrìfL, 172 to the worke of Sathan,being theiffue ofhis fedu&ion. Whatfoever his temptations draw men out unto, the Lord Chrift cameto deftroy it all to make an end ofit: and hewill not faileofhis end, but certainlycarryon his undertaking, until! he hath utterly deflroyed all thofe workes ofSathan, in the hearts ofall that are his. He redeemer ses front our vaine Converfation. 2 Pet. t. r8, r9.frotn the power of our lufls and corruptions,leadingus out to a vaine Converfation, TheApoflle tells us(Rom.6.6.)that byhis death the old man i crucified, and thebody offnnedeflroyed.The craft offinne, the oldmar, . and the ftrengthoffine, the body ofit, or the ruling ofOriginall (inne, the old man, and the full fruit ofa&uall finne, in the body ofit , is by the death ofChrift, crucifiedand deflroyed; and in that whole Chapter, from our par- ticipation in the death ofChrifl, he argues to fuch an abolition ofthe Law, and Ruleoffinne, to fuch abreaking ofthe power and (lrengthofit, that it is impoffible, that it should any more rule in us, or have dominion over Us. Of theway,whereby virtue flowes out from the death of Chrift, for thekill- ing offinne, I am not now to fpeake. And this is the firft way,whereby the death ofChrifl hath an influence into the fafegarding ofBelievers, in their continuance of the Love and Favour of God He fo takes away the guilt of finne, that .it (hall never beable utterly to turne theLove ofGod from them, and fo takes away the ruleofSathan, and power offinne, deflroying the one, and killing the other, that they (hall never be able to turne themwholly fromGod. Farther, to fecure their continuance with God, he procureth theHoly 4' 59 Spirit for them,as was (hewed before. But becaufe much weight Ivesupon this part ofour foundation, I (hall a little farther cleave it up. Thatthe Spirit of Grace and Adoption , withall thofe Spirituali Mercyes, and operations, wherewith he is attended and accompanied, is a Promife ofthenew Cove - nant,doubtleffe is by itsown evidenceput out ofqueflion There is fcarce any Promife thereof,whereinhe is not either clearly expreffed, or evidently in- cluded. Yea and often times, the whole Covenant is flared in that one Pro.. mife ofthe Spirit, the a&uall collation and beflowingofall the Mercy there- of, being his proper work; and peculiar difpenfation, for thecarrying on the great defigneoftheSalvation of finners.So Ifa. 59. 20. .Arfor me (faith God) this is myCovenant with them; my spiritthat is typon thee, andmy wordwhich I have put in thy moath,(ball not depart from thee. This is my Covenant (faith God) or what in my. Covenant I do faithfully ingage to bellow uponyou. But of this Texcand its vindication more afterwardes. Many other places not only pregnarit 'Ofproofe to the fame purpofe, but exprefsly in termes affirming it, might be ink lied on. Now that this Spirit,promifed in the Covenant ofGrace as to the beftow- 4' 20' ing, ofhim on the ele&ofGod, or thofe for whom Chrift dyed, is ofhis pur- chafing and procurement in his Death, is apparent, r. Beeaufe he isthe Mediator ofthe Covenant, by whofe hands, and for whofe fake, all the Mercyes ofit are made out to them, who are admitted Gent ^.r, into the bond thereof.Thoughmenarenot compleatly/latedin the Covenant lerem.3 r. before their owneBelieving,whichbrings in what of their part is flipulated, vs'18'39;9O Fath on them, r they would neverBelieve: for Faith is not bellow 36.25,26. the Guift ofGod. God certainely beflowes no fuch Guifts, but from a Co- neb.8.9'iO' venant. Spirituali Graces are not adminiflred foly in aprovidential! difpen- fation. Faith forthe receivingthe pardon of finne, is noguift,nor produ&of the Covenant ofworkes. Now, as in general! the MerciesoftheCovenant ateprocured by the Mediatorof it, fo this.whereof we fpeake,in an efpeeiall manner