TheHoly Spirit procured for us by Chri[I- CAP.VIl.4:zt, manner Heb.9. 15. For this caufe he is the mediator oftheNew Teflament,that 173 by meanes ofdeath,they which are called mightreceive the Promifeof Eternal! In- heritance. By his death, they for whom hedyed, and who thereupon are called, beingdelivered from their finnes,which were againft the Covenant of De t:27, 29. workes, receive the Promife , or pledge ofan Eternall Inheritance. What Ga1.3;z2. this great Promife here intended is, and wherein it doth confifl, the Holy 1om.3'21 Ghofl declares, Aas 2.23. The Promife, which Jefus Chrift receivedof the Father uponhis exaltation, was that ofthe Holy Ghofl, having purchafed and procured the bellowing of himbyhis Death: upon his Exaltation, the difpenfation thereof, is committed tohim,as beingpart of the Compa&e and Covenant,whichwas between his Father and himfelfe, The grand bottome ofhis fatisfathon &merit.This is the great Originali radical! Promife ofthat Eternal! Inheritance. By thePromifedSpirit are wee begotten anew, intoa Rom.s. ,t. hope thereof, made meet for it, and fealed up unto it; Yea do but looke cot.I.12. upon the Spirit as promifed, and yee may concludehim purchafed:for all the EpheG4.30. Promifes of Gadare yea andamen in jefus chrifl, 2Cor. T. 20. They all have their Confirmation,Eflablifhment and Accomplifhment in, by, and for Jefus Chrift-And if it begranted that any defigned appointed Mercywhatever that inChrifl,the Lord bleffeth us withall, be procured for us by him in the way oftnerit,(being given freely tous, through him, but reckoned tohimofdebt) it willeafily bemanifefled, that the faine is the condition of every Mercy whatever promifed unto us, and given us , upon his Mediatory interpofi- tion. 2. It appears from that peculiar promife, thatChrift makesof fendinghis §: ï t. Holy Spirit unto his owner He tels them indeed, once , and againe , that the Father will fend him: As he comes from that originali and Fountaine Love, ioha4. t6i fromwhich alfo himfelfe was fent. But withal!, he affures us, that he himfelfe 26. will fendhim. ioh,i S. 26. When the Comforter is come, whom iwill fendonto youfrom the Father, even the Spirit of truth. It is true ! that he is promifed here only as aComforter, for the performanceof that part ofhis Office. But ioha 6. . look upon what account he is fent for any oneA&, or Workeof. Grace , on thathe is fent for all. I will fend him, then faith Chrift : and that as. a fruit of his death, as the procurement ofhis Mediation; for that alone he promifeth tobellow on his. And inparticular hetells us, that he receives thefpirit from the Father for usupon his Interceflion, wherein , as hath been elfewhere de- monfirated, he askesno more nor leffe, then what by hisdeath is obtained. sat a Etetk Iohn 1 16 1 I willpray the Father, and he gall give you another Comforter, ÏemfAnBxN 4 27 y .11 8 y f that he mayabide withyoufor ever, even thefpirit ofTruth, whom the Worldcan, f not receive; he tellsus y. 53. that whatfoever we aske, he will doe it : But withall, in thefe verfes,howhe will doe it: even by interceding with the Fa- ther for it, as a fruitofhisBloodihedding, and the Pròmife made to him, up- onhis undertaking to Glorify his Fathers name,in the great worke ofRedemp^ ioti.i.4.6= tion. And therefore he informes us , that when the Cornforter,whom he pro- cureth for us , fhall come, he fhall Glorify him, and fhall receive ofhis, and thew it unto us,(ioh.16. L1..)farther manifefl his Glory,in' his bringing nothing withhim, butwhat is his, or ofhis procurement; fo alto inftruBeing us clearly and plentifully, to aske inhisname, that is,for his fake , which todoe plainly and openly, is the great priviledgeofthe NewTeflament;(for fo he tells his Difciples ioh.16.24. hitherto haveyou asked nothing in my name, who yet wereBelievers, and had made many addreffesunto Godin and through him; but darkely, as they did under the Old Teftament, when they begged mer- cyfor hisfake Dan. 9.57. But to plead with the Father , clearly upon the ae- count ofthe Mediation andPurchae ofChrift) That (I fay) is the priviledge 3