ThePromife of the Cotnforter,, towhommade. C.VII. ß:z7. perfonally,or to thewhole bodyof the Church:By the Itule formerly given for 179 the Interpretation ofthefe Promifes ofChrift , it appears, that what in this kind was made to the one, was alfo given to theother; and how Mr Goodwin will inforceany neceffary conclufionfrom this diftin&ion framedby himfelfe, for his own purpofe, I know not; The Promife was madeboth to thefe and thofe, the Apoftles, and all other Believers , becaufe to the Apoftles, as Be- lievers. 3. The makingofthe Promife to theApoftlesperfonally, Both not argue that it was made to them , as Apoftles , but only that it was made to their Perfons, or tothem, though under another qualification , viz. of Believing. 'Tisgiven to themperfinally as Believers , and fo to all Believers whatever; This alto lets at liberty, and plainly cafhiers the comparifon inftituted be- tween the ApoftlesInfallibility as Apoflles, and their fanftifÿinggrace as Be- lievers,by theSpirit ofGrace given for that end; The Apoftles Infallibility,we confefle; was from the Spirit;forthey(as other Holy men ofold)wrote as they weremoved by the Spirit ofGod: but that this was a difiinaguift bellowed on z Pet.t,ztt themas Apoftles, and not the teachingof the Spirit ofGrace, which is given to all Believers t loh. 2.22. we need not contend to prove. B ides,to what end doth he contend, that it was made to the Apoftles in the fenceurged, and by us infifted on, feeinghe denies it in thedole of this Se&ion; and choofethrather to ventureupon An oppofition unto that com- mon received perfwafion, thatthe Apoftles ofChrift, (the fonneof perdition only excepted ) had an abfolute promife ofPerfeverance, then to acknow- ledge that, whichwould prove fo prejudiciall and ruinous to his caufe, ashe knowes theconfeffion o_ffuch a Promifemade to them would inevitably be: Hecontends not (I fay) about thefence of the Promife, but would faine di- vert it from other Believers, (at the entrance ofthe Seétion )by limiting it to theApoftles; but confidering afterward better of the matter, and remem- bring that the concefiion ofan abfolute Promife of Perfeverance to any one Saint whatever, would evidently root up, and cart to the ground the goodli- eft engine,thät he bath fet up againft theTruthhe oppofeth, he fuits it (in the dole oftheSe&ion) toan evafion , holding better Correfpondency with its affociates in this undertaking. q.. I wonder what Chimericallchurchhe hath foundout, towhich Promi- fes are made, and Priviledges granted, otherwife then upon the account of thePerlons, whereof'tis conflituted; fiippofe (I pray) that Promifes of the Refidence of the Spirit for ever with it , be made to the Church , which is made up offomany members, and that all thefe members everyone, fhould lode their intereftin it, what fubjeft ofthat Promife would remaine? What Vniverfall is this, that bath a reall exiftence of it felfe , and by it felfe, in ab- ftra&ion from its particulars, in which alone it hath its being ? Or what whole is that,which is preferved in the deftrgtion and diffolution of all its effentially conftituent parts? The Promifes then , that are made to the Church, are oftwo forts. t. Of fuchGrace andMercies, as, whether inherent or relative, have their refidence in, and refpell unto particular perlons as Inch; of this fort areall the Promifes of the Grace of San&ificátion, as altoof ju- ftification &o. which areall things ofinens perfonall fpirituall intereft ; The Promifes made to the Churchof this nature, are made unto it, meerely as confifting offomany, and thofeEle&ed, Redeemed perlons , whole right and intereft, as thofe individuali perlons they are. Of all Inchgood things, as are theexurgencyofthecolle&ed flute ofthe Saints, in reference to their fpirituall invifible Communion, or viuible gathering into a Church , conftitu- ted according to themind ofChrift, andhis Appointment in theGofpell;and A a 2 there