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rd. 59 zt, farther vindicated. C. V11.4:25, quently abundance of Peace and Hopp:reffe for ever: It is moil: apparent that 177 not any thingof the mindof Godin the words, is reached in this gloffè. For r. That Condition , if they prove not extremely unworthy, is ex tremely unworthily inferted ; the Promife being an ingagement of God to keepe and preferve them , to ¡whom it is made by his Spirit, from being fo; the Spirit is given and continued to them forthatvery pur- pole. 2. It isfuppofed to begiven to all the NationoftheYewes, when it is ex- prefslymade to the Church, andSeed inCovenant. 3. It carryes"theMercy promifed no higher then outward difpenfati- ons, when the words exprefsly mention, the spirit already received. Evident it is, that the wholeGrace, Love, Kindneffe, and Mercyofthis eminent Pro- mife, and confequently the whole Covenant of Grace, is enervated by this corrupting Gloffe;Doe men think indeed, that all the mercyof the. Covenant ofGracecanals in fuch tenders, and offers, as hereare intimated ? that it all lyesin outward endearements , and fuck dealings with men, as may feeme tobe fuited towin upon them: and that, as tothe reall exhibitionof it, it is wholly fufpended upon- the unfiable, uncertaine, fraile wills ofmen?The Scripture feemes to hold out fomething farther of more efficacy. The de- jCek3i. 3z ligne ofthefeexceptions,is indeed to exclude all theeffe&uall Grace of God, 32.0. promifed in Jefus Chrifi, upon the account , that the things which he pro- mifeth towork in us thereby, are the dúties which he requireth ofus. In fumme; theft are the exceptionswhich are given into this Teflimony of God, concerning the abidingofthe fpirit with them, on whom he is befiow ed, and for whom he is procured, towhom he is lent by Jefus Chriff., And this is the Interpretation ofthe words:[Asfor :nee]for my part, or as much as in melieth this is my Covenant] I will deale bountifully and grafioufly [with them] the whole Nation ofthe Jewes, [ my fpirit that-is in thee] that they oughtto take carethat they entertaine, and retaine the Holy Spirit, and not walk fo extremelyunworthily,that he fhoulddepart fry them:the refidue of the words wherein the maine Emphafdr ofthem doth lye, is left untouched: The importthen ofthis Promife,is the fame with that of thePromifes infif}ed on before,withefpeciall referenceto the Holy Spirit,procured for us, and gi- ven untous by Chrifl. The fiability,andefiablifhing Grace ofthe Covenant, is here called the Covenant; as fundry other particular merciesofit are alto. Of the Covenant ofGrace in Chriff, the blefï'edSpirit todwell in us, and reft uponus, is the maine and principali Promife: This for our confolationis re- newed, againe and againe, in theOld andNew Tet}oment. As aSpirit offan- i1ification, he is given tomen tomake them believe; and as afpirit ofAdopti- on,upon their Believing. In either fence, God, even the Father, who takes us intoCovenant in Jefus Chriff, affirmeshere, that he (hall never depart from us:which is our firft Teflimony in the cafe inhand. With whom the Spirit a- bides, and whilell heabides with them, they cannot utterly forfake God, nor be forfakenof him; forthey who have the fpirit ofGod, are, the Children of God, fonnes, and Heyres But God hath promifed that his Spirit 1hall abide withBelievers for ever : as bath been clearly evinced from the Text under confideration, with a removall ofall exceptions put in thereto. The fecond witneffe we have of the confiant abode and réfidenceof this 4. 26. fpirit befiowed on them,whichBelieve,for ever,is that ofthe sonne, who af- fureshis Difciples ofit. Joh,i 4.i 6. iwill ( faith he) pray the Father, and he ¡hall giveyou another Comforter, that he may abide withyou for ever. As our Sa- viour gives a BalkofInterpretation, expreffely ofhis Prayers for Believers, A a that