CAP.V17 x ,=9. ¡oh. t.,t i. Explained and vindicated. I 8o thefe allo are all ofthem founded-in the former, and depend wholly upon them, and are refolved into them. All Promises then whatever made to the Church, theBody ofChrift , doe not refpeCt it primarily , as a Corporation, which is the fecond notion of it, but as confiningof thofe particular Believers; much leffe as a Chimericalluniverfall , having a fubfinence inand by itfelfe, abnra&ed from itsparticulars. Thisevafion then, notwithftanding this Promife ofour Saviour, doth ftill continue topreffe itsTeftirnony concerning the per. petuall refidence ofthis Holy Spirit with Believers. 4.28. Thefcope ofthe place inforcesthat exception ofthefe words, whichwe in- lift upon. Our Bleffed saviour obferving the trouble and dìfconfolation of his followers, upon the apprehenfionofhis departure from tlem,ftirres them up to a better hope andconfidence by many Gracious Promifes, and ingage- ments, of what wouldand should be the Iffue of his being taken away.v. i. He bids them to free their heartsfrom trouble, and in the next words, tells them, that the way whereby it was to be done, was by aering Faithon the Promifes ofhis Father, and thofe which in his Fathers name, hehad made, and was to makeunto them. Ofthefe he mentions many in the following verfes, whereoftheFountaine, Head, and Spring, isthat ofgiving them the Comforter, not to abide with them for a feafon, as hehad done,with his bo- dily prefence, but to continue with them as aComforter, (and confequent- ly, to the difchargingof his whole difpenfation towards Believers ) for ever. He fpeakes to themas Believers, as difconfolate deje&ed Believrs,qutckning, their Faith by Exhortations, and gives them this Promife, as a folid Founda- tionofpeace and compofedneffe of Sprit, which he exhorted them unto. And ifour Saviour intendeth any thing, but what the words impost viz. that hewill givehis Holy Spirit, as a Comforter , toabide with them for ever, the Promife bath not the lean futablenef eto relieve them in their diftreffe, nor toaccomplifh the end for which it was given them. But againn this it is excepted Cap. i i. Seal. 13. Pag.233 i. Evident it is, that our Saviour cloth not in thisplace oppafe the abiding or remainingoftheHoly Ghoyl, to his owne departure front the hearts orfoules of men, intowhich he isframed or cage; but to his departure out of theworld, by death, which was nowat hand. Anf. s. This is a weighty obfervation: yet withall it is evident, thathe oppofeth the abiding ofthe Spiritwith them as a Comforter, to his owne bo- dily prefence with them forthat end.His was for a feafon,the other to endure for ever. And I delire to know,how our Saviour Chrift comes, or enters into the foulesor hearts ofmen, but by his Spirit: and how thefe thingscone here tobe dininguifbed. But 2. He faiesBy theabidingof the Comforterwith them for ever, hecloth not meane his perpetual!abode in theirhearts, orthe hearts ofanyparticular man, but hisconfiant abidingin the world, in, and with the Gofpell, and the Childrenthere- . ; of, in refpefl ofwhich, hefaith ofhimfelfe elfmhere, i amwithyou alwaieseven to the endoftheworld: as if hefhould have faid, This thepurpofe ofmyFather, infending me into the world, requiers, that IJbould makeno longfray in it, I am now upon my return, but when I cometo myFather, I willintercede foryou, and be willfend you another Comforter, uponbetter termer, forflayingand continu- ingwithyou, then thofeon which Icame: for he(ball be.fent, not tobe taken out of the worldby death, but to make his refidence with, and among you my friendo andfaithful! onesfor ever; Nowfromfuch an abiding ofthe HolyGhofl with them, as this,cannot be inferdhis perpetual! abiding with anyoneperfon or Believer, de terminately, much leffe withevery one. 4. 29. Anf. r. It was evident before, that this Promifewas madeto the Dif- ciples. .... 1111