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Of the Sealingofthe Holy Spirit. CAP. files, not all Believers;. then when this will not fervethe turne, there being a Conceffion in that Interpretation, defrru&ive to his whole caufe, then it is made asa Priviledge to the Church; not toany individuali Perkins ;but yet for feare that this priviledge inuft be veiled inTome individually, it isde- nyed that it is made to any, but only is a Promife of the Spirits abode in the worldwith the Word:but perhaps force thoughts coming upon him,that this will noway fuit the fcopeofthe place,nor be fuited to the inte'dmét ofChi*, it is laftly added,that let it bemade towhom it will, it is conditional], though there be not the leali intimation of any condition in the Text , or Context, and that by him afiìgned, be coincident with the thing it felfe promifed;But hereoffo farre: And foour fecundTeftimony, theTefrimony of the Sonne a= bides Hill by the Truth, for the confirmationwhereofit is produced: and in the mouthofthefe two witneffes, the abidingof theSpirit with Believers to the end, is e(rablifhed Addehereunto (thirdly) the Teftitnbny ofthe third that bearer witneffe in Heaven, and whoalto comes neere , and beares witneffe to this Truth in the hearts ofBelievers, even ofthe spirit it felfe, and fo I (hall leave it fealedun- der the Tefrimony ofthe Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghoft. As the other,two, gave in their Tefrimony in a word ofPromife; fo the Spirit doth in a reali workeof Performance; wherein as he beares a diffinfl Teftimony ofhis owne, the Saints havinga peculiar Communion and fellowfhip with him therein,fo he is as the commonfealeofFather and Sonne,fet unto that Truth, which by their Teftimony they have confirmed. There are indeed fundry, things, whereby he confirmes and efrablifheth the Saints in the Affurance of his abode with them for ever : I (hall atprefent mention that one eminent worke ofhis, which,beinggiven unto them, he doth accornplifh to this very end and purpofe; and that is his sealingof them to theday of Redemption. A worke it is, often in theScripture mentioned , and fhll upon the account of afTuring the Salvation ofBelievers. 2 Cor.i. 22. bywhom alfoye arePealed. Ha- ving, mentioned theCertainty,Unchangeableneffe, and efficacy ofallthe Pro- mitesofGod in_Chrifr, and the end tobe accomplifbedand brought about by them, namely theGlory ofGodin Believers,v. 20. ( allthe rromifes of God are yea andAmen, inhim to the Glory of God by us) the Apoftle acquaints the Saints with one Foundationofthefecurityof their intereftin thofe Promifes, whereby the end mentioned, the Gloryof God by them, fhould be accompli- flied. This heafcribes to the efficacyofthe Spirit bellowed on them, in fun- dry workes ofhis Grace, which he reckoneth, v. 21, 22. Among them this is one, that hefeales them; As to the natureofthisfealing, and what that A& of the Spirit ofGrace is, that is focalled, I (hall not now infifl upon it The end andufe of Sealing is more aimedat in this expreffion, then thenatureof it., whatit imports,then wherein it confifts. Being a terme forenfcall, and tranf- lated fromtheufeand pro&iceofmen in their Civil] Tranfa&ions , the ufe, and end of it may eafily from the originali rife thereof be demonfrrated. Sealingamongft menbath a two fold ufe.Firfr to givefecrecy and fecurity ( in things that are under prefent confideration) to the things fealed. And this is theFirfr ufeof Sealing , by a Peale fet upon the thing fealed. Of this kindof fealingchiefely have we that long Difcourfe ofsalmaflus,in the vindication ofhis7urAtticumagainfr the Animadverlions of Heraldei. And 2'Y'togive an aiurance, or faith, for what is by them that Peale, tobe done. Ín the firfr fence, are things fealedup in Bags, and inTreafuries, that they may be kept fafe, none daring to breake open their feales. Inthe Latter, are all promifory engagements confirmed, eftablifhed, and made unalterable, wherein men ei- ther inconditionall compaas,orTettamentary difpofitionsdoeoblige them- Eaves, 183 294