C A P.VII.4,í9 TheSealingof the Spirir,& its influence into the StsPeri 184 felves. Thefe.are the Sigilla appenfa, that are yet in ufe in all Deeds,Enfeofe- ments, and the like Inftruments in Law.And with men , ifthis be done , their engagements are accounted inviolable. And becaufe all men have not that Truth, Faithfulneffe, and Honefty, as tomake good even their fealed en- gagements, the whole Dace ofman-kind, bath confented unto the eftablifh- ment ofLawes, and Governors, amongft others,to thisend, that all menmay- be compelled to (land to theirfealed Promifes ; hence, whatfoever the na- tureofit be, and in what particular foever it doth'confift, the end andufeof this worke in this fpeciall Acceptation, is taken evidently in the latter fence, from its ufeamongft men." Expreffed it is upon the"menèion of the Promifes. 2 Cor: t.2o. To fecure Believers oftheir certaine and infallible accompiifh- ment unto them,-the Apoftle tells themofthis 'fealingof the Spirit whereby thePromifes are irrevocably confirmeduntó them, towhom they are nade, as is the cafeamong the Sonnes ofmen; futablyEphef, r. t 3. he faith, they are Heb.g.rq, fealed by the Holyfpirit ofPromife; that is , that is promifedunto us , andwho confirmes to us all the'Promifes ofGod. That the other end of fecurity alfo, fafety and prefervation,is defigned therein, fecondarily, appears from the ap- pointedfeafon, whereunto this fealing !hall be effe&uall : it is, to the day of Redemption, Epb:4.3o. untill the Saintsare brought to the enjoyment of the full, whole, and compleat purchafemade for them byChrift, 'when he obtai- ned for them eternallRedemption. And this is a reali Teftimony which the Ho. lySpirit givestohis owne abiding with theSaints for ever; The worke he ac- complifheth in them , and upon them , is on fet purpofe defighed to affirm them hereof,and toconfirme them in the Faithofit. §: 3o. Unto anArgument from this fealingofthe fpirit thus propofed; Thofe who arefealed,fisall certainlybefaved; Mr Goodwin 'excepts fundry things ch. tr. sea. 42. pag.255,256,257 which becaufe they are applied to blurre that interpretationofthe wordsofthe HolyGhoft,which I have infifted on, I fhali briefely remove out ofthe way, that they may be nofarther offenfive to the lneaneftfealedone. He anfwers then firft by difringuilhing the Major Propofition thus; They who arefealed,fhall certainlybefaved, withfilch a fealing,which is unchangeable by any intervenience whatfoever, as of f nne and Apoflaf fo that they cannot loofe their Faith; but if thefealing beonlyfilch, the continuance whereof, depends- on the Faithofthe fealed, and confequently may be reverted, or with-drawne, it no may proves, that all they,whoarepartakersof it, mu(i ofneceffity retains their Faith: therefore (faith he) 211 WeAnfwerfarther, that the fealing with thefpi- ritfpoken of, is theLatter kind offealing, not the farmer, (i.e.) which depends upon the Faithofthofe that arefealed;ar in the beginning orfrft impre; f on ofit,fo in the duration or continuanceofit; andeonfeynently there isnone other certainty ofits continuance, but only the continuanceofthefend Faith, which being uncer-S, taine,thefealing depending on it mutt needs be uncertáine alto: Thattbe fealing mentioned, depends upon the Faith ofthe fealed, is evident, becaufe tisfaid, in whom alfo afteryee believed, yee were sealedwith thefpirit of Promife. Anf. I dare fay, there is no honeft man that would take it well at the band ofMr Goodwin, or any elfe, that fhould attempt by diftinctions, or any other way, to alleviate, or take offthe credit of hisTruth , and Honefty, in theperformance of all thofe things, whereunto , and for the confirmation whereof,he bath fet his Seal.What acceptationan likeattempt in reference to the fpitit of God,is like to find with him, he may doewell to confider: In the nicane timehe prevailes not with us todifcredit this workeofhis Grace in theleaft. For, z. Firft, This fuppofall offuch interveniencies of (inns , and wickedneffe in