Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

Of the Sealingofthe Spirit, its influence into the SLs Perf. in theSaints, as areinconfiftent with thelifeofFaith, and the favourofGod, i$g as alto ofApoftafy, are but a poore meane infinuation, for the beggingof the thing in Quefon, which will never be grantedofany fuch termes. An inter- veniency ofApoftafy, that is defe&ion from the Faith, is not handfomely fup- poled, whileft men continue in the Faith. 2. That which is given for the confirmátion of their Faith, and onPet purpofe toadde continuance to it, as this is, cannot dependon the condition of the continuance of theirFaith. The HolyGhoft feales them to the day-of _Redemption, confirmingand eftablifhing thereby an infallible continuance, oftheir Faith, but it feemesupon condition of their continuance in the Faith. Cuifini?Ofwhathitherto is Paid this is the fumme.. Iftheywho are fealed Apoftatize into finne and wickedneffe , they shall not be laved, notwith- ftanding that they havebeen fealed : and this muff pafle for an anfwer to our Argument provingthat they cannot fo apoftatife, hecaufe they are Sea- led, on purpofe topreferve and fecure them from that Condition: Men need not goe farre to feeke for Anfwers toany Argument, iffuch as thefe , (pure beggings ofthe thing in Queftion andargued) will fiiffice. 3. Neither doth the begining orfirfi impreffïon of thefealing depend up- on their Faith, any otherwife, but as Believers are the fubjef ofit, which is not tohave any kindof dependance upon it, either as to itsnature or ufe. Neither doth that placeofthe Apoftle Éph. i. i 3.(dfteryeBelievedye werefea- led,) prove any fuch thing, unlefíe this general' axiome be firft eltablifhed, that all things which inorder ofnature, ate before,.and after,have the Con- nexionofCaufe, and effe&, or at leaft of Condition, and Event between' them; It proves indeed that their Believing is inorder ofnature, antecedent to theirPealing, refpe&ing theufe ofit here mentioned; but this proves not at all, that Faith is the conditionof fealing:, thebeftowing ofFaith, and the grant of this Peale to eftablifh it, being both ads depending meerely, folely, & diftin&ly, on the free GraceofGod inChrift;Though Faith in order ofna- ture,goe beforeHope,yet is noHope befiowed on menon the condition ofle_ lieving. Thetruth is,both Faith &Sealing,& all other fpirituall Mercyes,as to the Goodwill of God beftowing them,are at oncegranted us in Jefus Chrift: but as toour reception ofthem,& the a&uall inflating ofour foules in the en- joyment ofthem, or rather as to the exerting of themfelves in us, they have that orderwhich either the nature of the things themfelves requires, or the foveraigneW ill ofGod, hath alotted to them; neither doth fealing befpeake any Grace in us, but a peculiar improvement of the Gracebellowed on. us. So that q,. We refufe the Anfwer fuggefted by Mr Goodwin, That Sealingdepends (that is in his fence) upon Believing as to the fzrli grant of it, but not as to the continuance thero f: and reje& his fitppofall of one that hath truly Blieved, making fbipwrack, ofhis Faith, as to importune a crye, or begging ofthat which it is evident cannot be proved.. I (hall adde only that Mr Goodwin granting here the continvance ofFaith to be a thing, uncertain; which is a word toexpreffe a very weak probability ofa thing, is much fallen offfrom his former confident exprefiion of the only remote pofiibility ofBelievers falling away. That their falling away fhould be fcarfly poflìble, and yet their continuance in the Faithvery uncertaine, is fomewhat uncouth. But this is the foundation ofthat great Confolation whichMr Goodwins Do&rive isfo pregnant and teemingwithall,thatit even grones tobe delivered Their con. tinuance in Believing is uncertaine, therefore they muff needs rejoyce and befilled with Confolation. But he Anfwers farther: Bb ..