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CaP.V111,4.;1. SealingoftheSpirit wherein it confifis. i86 I. IAnfwer farther, byway ofexception, that the Sealing wefpeal¿e of, it neithergrantedby God, untoBelievers themfelves, upon anyfilch termer, that lip- 0. 31. onno occafton, or occafions whatfoever,asofthe greatefl andmoll horridfinscom- mited, and long continued in by them, 'orthe like, itfbould never be interrupted or defaced: for this is contrary to manyplaine Text.c!of Scripture, and particularly unto allthofe, whereeither Apoftates fromGod, or mill doers, and workersofini- quity are threatnedwith the lofe ofGodsFavour, and of the inheritance of Life, fuch asHeb.ro. &c. Anf. i. It is the intent and purpofe ofGod, that the Sealingof Believers [hall abide with them for ever: whence comes it to paffe , that his Purpofes doe not Band, and that he cloth not fulfill his pleafure ? It is not that he than- geth,butthat men are changed:that is,the beginningofthe change is notin him; Occafionof it is adminiftred untohimby men. When hisSealing is removed fromBelievers, doth God Rill purpofe that it (hall continue with them, or no ? Ifhe doth, then he pupofeth that (hall be , which is not, which it is his will (hall not be, and he continues in his vaine Purpofe to Eternity. Or ifhe ceafes topurpofe, how is it that he is not changed? Such things fpeake a change in the fonnesof men,andwe thought hadbeen incompatible withthe Perfe&ionofthe Divine Nature:even thathe fhouldWill&Purpofeone thing at one time, and another, yea thecleane contrary, at another: Yea but the R.eafon ofit is, becaufe the men concerning whom his Purpofes are, do change; Thisfakes not the Immutabilityof God ; Though he doth not change from any newconfderation in himfelfe, and from himfelfe, yet he Both from obftru&ionsin his way,and to his thoughtsin the Creatures:yea in. Reed of falvinghis Vnchangeablenefe, this is deftru Live to his Omnipo- tency. 2. This whole Anfwer is a fuppofall, that God may alter his Purpofes of confirming men in Grace, if they be not confirmed in Graces or that, though Gods Purpofebe to Peale them to the dayof Redemption,yet they maynot continue,nor be preferved thereunto: and then Gods Purpofe oftheir conti- nuance ceafeth alto.This is ' 3. More evident in his fecond Anfwer, by way of exception, which is madeupof thefe two parts. P ira a beggingofthe mame, and upon the nsat_ ter,onlything in queflion, by fuppofing that Believers may fall into the mofi horrible finnes, and continue in them to the end: fo proving with greateEvi- dence and perfpicuity, that Believers may fall away,becaufe they may fall` away. And 2. A fuggeflionofhis ovine Judgement, to thecontrary: And. his fuppofall,that it is confirmed by fome Texts ofScripture, which (God of -r Gifting) íhall be delivered from this Imputation hereafter : And thefe two damake up focleare an Anfwer to the Argument in hand,that a man knowes notwell what to reply; let ustake it for granted,that Believers may fall a- way, andhow 'hall weprevent Mr Goodwin from proving it ? But he adds farther Believers arefaid to befealedby theHob, Spirit of God, againfb, or unrtill,or for (is) the dayofRedemption, becaufe that Holineffe, which is wrought in them by theSpirit ofGod, qualifies them, puts them into a prefent and aEluall Capacityof partaking in that foyandGlory, which the Great day o f the full Redemption of the Saints, (that is, o f thole, who lived, and dyed, and _ball be foundfilch) fhal7 bring with it;andit is called theFarneif o f their Inheritance. Anf How pis comestobe againft, or for, or todenote the matter fpoken of,,and what all this is to the purpofe in hand, hefhewes not. Thee aymeof -him the words are fpoken of, and, the uninterrupted continuaneeofthe workementioned,to the end expreffed, feemes rather to beintended in the whole