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Of theSealingofthe Spirit, its influence into the Sts Perf. C. VII. 4:32. whole Coherenceofthe words.Nei ther is the ufe ofsealing, toprepareany ip7 thing, for fuch a time, but to fecure and preferve it thereunto. He that bath a Conveyance Sealedunto him, is not only capacitated for the prefent, to receive the eflateconveyed, but is principally affured ofa Right&Title, for acontinued enjoyment ofit, nor tobe reverfed. It is not the nature of this worke ofthe HolyGhoft, wherein it iscoincident which other a&s ofhis Gracesbut the particular lifeofit, as it isa Sealing,and Gods intendment by it, tö confirme us to the dayof Redemption, that comes under ourConfide - ration. Ifit-were a feafon to incjuire,whereinit confifts, I fuppofe we fhould, fcarcedole with Mr Goodwin's defcription of it, viz. That it is a quallifying of men, andputting them in anativall capacity to partakeoffoy &c. He is thefirs, I know of,thatgave this defcriptionofit,and probably the laß that will dofo. Of the Earnei oftheSpirit in its propper place- What headdes in thelaft place, namely, if the Apofiles intent had been to 4.32, informe the Ephefans, that the gift ofthe Holy Spirit, which they had received from Gods waa the earnefi oftheir inheritance,uponfuck termes, that no unworthi- neffe,or wickednefe whatfoever,on their parts, could ever hinder the aôíuall col- lation ofthis inheritanceupon them, he had plainly prevaricatedn ith thatmoll ferious Admonition, wherein he addrels himfelfe to them afterwards;For thisye know, that no Whore- monger, &c. bath any inheritance in the Kingdome of chilli; This I fay, is ofthe fame alloy with what went before., For, I. Here is the fame begging ofthe Queftion as before , and that upon a twofold account. r..In fuppofing, that Believers may fall into fuch firmes, and unworthinefle,as are inconfrftent with the 'lateofAcceptation with God, which is the very thing he bath to prove. a. In fuppofing,that,if Believers are fealed up infallibly toRedemption, the Exhortationsto the avoidanceof finnes, in themfelves, and to all that continue in them, deftru&ive toSalvati- on, are in vaine: which is a figment, in a cafe fomewhat alike(as tothe reafon of it) rejeled by men, that knew nothing of the nature ofGods Promises, norhis commands, nor the Accommodation ofthemboth, to the fulfilling in Believers, all thegoodpleafureof his Goodneffe. a. TheAlfurance, the Apoftle gives offreedom from the wrath ofGod, is infeparably affociated with that Affurance that he gives, that we 'hall not be left in, or given up to fuchwaies, aswherein that wrath,according to the te- nureofthe Covenant ofGrace, is not to be avoided. From this latter Tefti- mony, this Argument alto doth flows Thofe,who are fealedofGod totheday ofR.edemption,(hall certainly be preferved thereunto: their prefervation be- ing theend and aimeof God in his fealing of them. Mr GoodwinAnfwer to this Propofition is, that they fhall be fo preferved, in cafe they fall not into abominablefinnes and praétifes, and fo Apoftatize from the Faith ; that is in cafe they be preferved, they (hall bepreferved; but wherein their prefervati- on (hould confift, if not in their effe&uall deliverance from fuch waies and courfes, is not declared. That all Believers are fo fealed, and to that end,as a- bove, is the plaineTeftimony of the Scripture, and therefore our Conclufion is undeniably evinced. . Thus have we, through the Lords afiiftance; freed the triple Te/limony of Father, Sonne, and Spirit, given to the Truth under Confideration, from all Obje&ions, and exceptionsput in thereunto : fo that we hopethe mouth of iniquitymaybe ftopt,and that the caufe of the Truth in hand is fecuçg3 for ever. It is a fearfull thing to contend with God. Let Godbe tree and all men ly- ars; Aa 2 CAP. V11/