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CAP.VItI. i88 Ottotittit210 mistet iteb y - °'- CAP. VIII. I. Entrance into theDigreffion ccmcerning the Indwelling of the Spirit. The manner of the abode of theSpirit with them, on whom he is bellowed. Grounds of the Demonferations ache Truth. 2. The Indwellingof the Spiritproved from thePromifes of it. 3. ExprelTe affirmations ofthe fameTruth. Pfal. 51.11 Rom. 8.9. opened. v. a 1, r 5. a Cot. 2. 12. Gal. 4.6. opened. r Tim.;.14. 4. The Spirit in his Indwelling , diftingiilhed from all his Graces. Evafions removed. Rom5.5 Explained. TheHoly Ghoft himfelfe, notthe Grace ofthe Holy Ghoft there intended. Ram. h. 1r. opened: Gal: 5. 22. 5. A Perfonality afcribed to the Spiritin his Indwellings. (1)In perfo- nall Appellations. i Ioh.4.5. loh.¡4.19,17. (2.)PerfonallOperations. Rom.b. 11,15.explai ned. (3.) Perfonall circumfiances. The Spiritdwells in theSaints , as in a Temple. 1 Cor. 3. 16. Ch.6.9. 6. The Indwellingof the Spirit fartherDemonffrated, from the fignallEffetts af- cribed in the Scripture to his fo doing: as Cr)Unionwith Chrift. 7. Unionwith Chrift where.; in it confrfteth. 8. Union with Chrift by the Indwelling ofthe fame Spirit in him,andus. 9. Thisproved from, (r.)Scripturall Declarations ofit: z Pet: 1.4. How we are made partakers of the Divine Nature. r o.Unioneàpreffed by eating the fleflï,anddrinking the blood'ofChrift: loh.6.56. opened.' 1 n. The Prayer ofour Saviourfor the. Union ofhis I)ifciples. Ih. 17. 21. The Unionof the Perlons in the Trinitywith themfelves. 12. (2) Scriptural! illuftrations far the manifellationof Union. 13. TheUnion ofHead andMembers, what it is, andwherein it doth confrft. 14. Of the Union between Husband andWife, and our UnionwithChrift re- prefented thereby. 15. OfaTreeand its branches. 16. Life and quickning given by the In- dwelling Spirit,m Quickning,Life,andfumbleoperations, ay.(2.)Direftion& guidancegiven by the Indwelling Spirit. Guidanceordiretion twofold. 18. The feverall wales, whereby the Spirit gives guidance and Dire-Ilion unto theni,inwhom he dwells. Thefirfl way by giving a new underftanding, or a newfpiritnall light upon the underftanding. 19. What light men may attainewithout the particularguidanceofthe Spirit. 20. Saving Embracement'sof particular, Truths,from the Spirit: 1 Ioh:2.2o,21. 21. The way,whereby the Spirit leads Believers into Truth. 22. Çonfeqnences ofthe want of this guidanceof the Spirit. 23. The 3d thing re- ceived from the IndwellingSpirit: Supportment. 24: The way,whereby the Spirit gives fop- portment. 25. (i.) Bybringing to mind the things fpokenby Chrift for their Confolation 10h14.16,26. 26.(a.)By renewing his Gracesir: them, as to ffrengthThe benefits ilfuing,and flowing from thence. 27. Refiraintgiven by the Indwelling Spirit,and how. 28. The con- tinuanceof the Spirit withBelievers, for the Renewal'of Grace, proved: lob. 4.14. 29. Thar Promife ofour Saviour, at large opened. 3o. The Water therepromifed is the Spirit. The flue- ofthem, on whom he is beftowed. Spirituali rhirft twofold: loh.'65.13. a Pet. 2.2. 31. The Reslons whymen cannot thirfi again, whohaveonce drucke ofthe Spirit cplained. 32. Mr G'sExceptions confidered, and removed. 32. The famework farthercarriedon: as alto :3.t,, 35, 36. The Indwelling ofthe Spirit in Believers, farther demonftrated by theInferences made from thence. 37. TheHi. Our Parfons Temples of theHoly Ghoft. To be difpofld of in all' waies ofHolineffe. 38. W iidome to try Spirits. 89: The)oayq ,means; and helps,whereby theSaints difèerne between She royce of Chrift, and thevoyce of Sathan. Aving (hewed, that the Holy Spirit is purchafed for us, by the Oblation ofChrift, and bellowedon us,through his Intercejjron, to 'abidewith us for Ever, a Truth confirmed by the unquefli onable Teflimonies ofthe Father, Sonne, and Spirit; I (hall in the next place, (Ihope to the advantage and fatisfa&ion of the Chriflian Reader)a little turne afide to confider haw and in what manner he abideth with them, on whomhe is bellowed :together with fome Eminent Atli, and Eftetis ofJlis Grace, which-he putteth feirth,..and ex erteth in them, with whom heabideth, all tending to their prefervation in. the Love and Favour ofGod. A Do&rine it is of no (mall ufe,and impor., tance in our walking with God, as we (hall find in our purfuit of it. And therefore though not appearing fo d reflly Argumentative, and immediatly fubfervient