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Of the Sealingof the Holy Spirit. CAP. VIII. §:t. fubfervient to the promotionoftheDifpute in hand, yet tending totheefta- 189 blithment, guidance, and confolationof themwho doe receiveit, and to the cherithing, increafing , and ftrengthningofthe Faith thereof, I cannot but conceive it much conducing tó the carryingonofthe maine Intendment of this whole undertaking. I fay then , upon the purchafe madeof all Good things fortheE1e& by Chrift, the Holy and Bleffed,Spirit of God is given to them, to dwellin them perfonally; for the Accomplifhment of all the ends and purpofesofhis Oeconomietowards them , to make themmeetfor , and to bring them unto the inheritance of theSaints in Light. Perfonally (I fay)in our Perfons, (not by Affumption ofourNatures, giving us my.tiicall union with Chrift , notPerfonall Union with himfelfe , that is not one Perfonality with him, which is impious and blafphemous to imagine)by a Gracious inhabita- tion, diftin& from his Effentiall filling all things , and his etiergeticall opera- tion ofall things ashewill, as shall afterwards be declared. Now this being a Do&rine of pure Revelation , our Demonftrations of it muff be meere- ly Scripturall, and filch (aswill inftantly appeare) we have provided in great plenty. In the carrying on thenof thisundertaking, I than do thefe two things. I. Producefameofthofe many Textsof Scripture, which are pregnant ofthis Truth. 2. Shewwhat great things do iffue from thence, and are affirmed in re- ference thereunto, beinginferencesof a fuppofall thereof, all conducing to theprefervation ofBelievers, in the Love and Favour ofGod , unto the end, For thefirft,I (hall referre them to 4. heads 5 unto z. Promifes, that hefhould fo dwell in us. 2. Po ji'tive Affirmations at he dothfo, 3. Thofe Texts that hold out his being diffinguifhedfront allhis Graces,and Guifts,inhisfo doings 4. Thofe that afcribe a Perfonality tohim in his indwelling, in us. Of each fortone, or two placesmay fuflïce. I. The indwelling ofthe spirit is the great and folemne Promife ofthe Covenant ofGrace;The manner ofit we (hall afterwards evince.Ezek. 36.27. Iwillput my spirit withinyou, and caufeyou to wallte in my wayes In theverte foregoinghe tels them,Hewillgive .them a new heart,anda new spirit,which, becaufe itmaybe interpreted ofa renewedframeofspirit,(though it rather feemes to be the renewing Spirit, that is intended as alto' :Cap. i I. rq. ) heexprefsly points out, and differences theSpirit he will give them, from all workesofGrace whatfoever, in that Appellation ofhim, my Spirit, my Holtz Spirit; Him willI put with inyou, I will give him, or place him, in interiari ves`lro, in your inmofl part, in your hearts or in vifceribus uejlric, in your bowels, (as theSoule is frequently fgnifyed by expreffionsoffenfuall things) withinyou.In his givingus a newheart, &new Spirit,byputing inus his Spirit; certainly more is intended thena meereworking;ofGracious qualities inoúr Hearts,byhis Spirit,which he may do,& yet be nomore inns,then in the great tett Blafphemers in theworld.And this in the carryingofit on to its accóplifh nient, God callshis Covenant Ifa. 59. 2T. This ismy covenant with them , faith: the Lord,-my Spirit that is upon thee,(hall not departfrom thee: open thee, in 1 tine;! that dwels in thee, as was promifed. And this Pramife isevidently renewed bps theLord Chrift to his Difciples, clearely alto interpreting what that Spirit isr which is mentioned in the Promifeofthe Covenant,L4 ri. t 3. Tour Heavenly Father will give theHoly Spirit to them that asks him, ofhim;: that is, that prayl tohim for the HolySpirit. Our Saviour inftruers his Difciples'toafke the, Holy Spirit of God, upon the account ofhis being foprorrïifed7as ..dirfr2123.! lib 3 All