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CA r.V111.4 t. TheSpiritpromifed toBelievers,to dwell in them. I90 All ourfupplications are to be regulatedby the Promife. And Purely he, who Ram $ 27 (as (hall afterwards appeare) did fo plentifully and richly Promife the be- flowing ofthis Spirit on all thofe, thatbelieve onhim , did not infiruathem to aske for any inferion Mercy, and Grace, underthat name. That Spirit which the LordChriff inftru&s us to askeofthe Father, is the Spirit,whichhe bath promifed to beftow fo onus, as that he thall dwell in us. That the Spi- rit,which Chrift inttru&sus to aske for and whichhitnfelfepromifeth to fend untous, is the Holy Ghofthimfelfe,the HolySpirit ofPromife,by whom wee areSealed to thedayof Redemption, I fuppofe will require no labour to prove: what is needfull to this end, thall be afterward infified on. 4: 2. 2. Pofitiveaffirmations that he doth fo dwell in , and remaine- with the Saints, are thefecond groundoftheTruthwe aflert; I fhall name one,or two Teftimoniesofthat kind. Pfal. 51.1i.faith David, take not thy HolySpirit from me. It is theSpirit, and his prefence , as unto San&ification, not in refpe& of Prophefy, or anyother gift whatever, that he is treating of withGod. All the Gracesof the Spirit, being almoft dead and buried in him, he cries aloud that He,whofe they are, and who alone is able to revive and quicken them, may not be taken from him. With him, in him he was , or he could not be takenfrom him. And though the Gifts or Gracesofthe Spirit only may be intended, where mention is madeof giving or beftowingof him fometimes; yetwhen theSaints begge of God , that he would continue his Spirit with them, though theyhave grieved him and provoked him, thatno more is in- tended, butforce Gift orGrace, is not fo cleave. I knowmen poffefled with prejudice againft this Truth, will thinkeafily toevade thefe Teftimonies,by the Diftin&ionofthe Perfon , and Graces of the Spirit. Wherefore forthe manner howhe is with them,with whomheis,theApoftle informes us,R.om:8. 'gyeeare in thefpirit (that is, fpirituall men,oppofed to being in the flefh, that is, carnal], unregenerate, unreconciled, andenemies toGod) iffybe4he fpirit ofChrifl dw.ell.inyou: andifditymanhave mit thefpirit of Cyrift , he is none of his: Not only the thing it felfe is afferted, but the weight ofour Regenerati- on, and Acceptationwith God through JefüsChriff, is laid upon it. If the Spirit dwell inus, we arefpirituall, and belong toChritt; otherwifenot, wee are noneofhis. This the Apoftle farther confirmes. v. i i. if thefpirit ofhim, that raifedup 7efus,dwellinyou :. I knownot how the Perfonofthe Holy Ghoft canbe more clearely decyphered,then herehe is, Thefpirit ofhim that raifed ye/itsfrom thedead; Why that is mentioned, {hall afterwards be confidered. And this Spirit,as he bears Teftimonyofhimfelfe,dwells in Believers,which is all we fay, and,without farther curious enquiry,defire to reft therein. Doubt- leffe it werebetter for men, to captivate their underftandings to the obedi- ence ofFaith, then to inventDiftin&ions and Evafions, to efcape the power Of fomanyplaine Texts of Scripture, and thofe litterally, and properly, not Figuratively and Metaphorically; expreííing the Truth:contained in them: which,though it may be done fometimes, yet is not in a confiant uniforme tenure ofexpreflion. anywhere,the mannerof the Holy Ghoft. The Apoftle alfo affirmesfarther v.15. that Believers receive thefpirit of19doption to cry .AbbyFathers which being a workè within them, cannot be wrought and effe- tiedby Adoption it felfe,which is an extrinficall Relation. Neithercan Adop. tion, and the Spirit ofAdoption be conceived to be the fame. He allofar- ther affirmes it I Cor: 2.12. wehave received the fpirit, which is ofGod, that. we might know the things,thatare freely given us ofGod. We have fo received him, as that he abides withus, to teach us, to acquaintour hearts, withGods dealing with us: bearing witneffe with our fpirits to the condition wherein we are, in reference toour Favour fromGod,andAcceptation with him; and the