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Of the Indwellingof the Holy Spirit. CAP. Vlil. §:{, the fame he molt diílin&]y afferts Gal. 4.6. Godbathfent forth thefpirit ofhis r 91 Sonne, into ourhearts,crying Abba Father. The diffint Oeconomy of the Fa- ther, Sonn; and Spirit, in the work ofAdoption , is clearly chfcovered. He isfent, fent ofGod, that is, the Father. That name is Perfonally to be appro- priated, when it is diflinguifhed ( as here ) from Sonne, and Spirit; That is theFathers work, that work ofhis Love, he fends him. He hath fent him, as the fpirit ofhis Bonne, procured by him for us, promifed by him to us , pro- ceeding fromhim,'as to his perfonall fubf feence, and fent by him, as tohis of ficeofAdoption and Confolation. Then whether theFather hath fent thefpi- rit ofhis Sonne, where he isto abide and make his refidence is expreffed ; it is intoourHearts faith theApoffle: there he dwells and abides. And laftly, what there he doth is allo manifefted: fie fetts them onworke in whom he is, gives thempriviledges for it, Ability to it, Incouragement in it , canting them to cry Abba FathersOnce, and ágaine, to Timothy, Both the fame Apoflle affert the fame truth, r Epifl.3.14.thegood thing committedunto thee, keep by theHoly spi- rit,whichdwelleth inus. The Lord knowinghow much ofour Life andCon- folation depends on this Truth, redoubles his Teflimony of it, that wee might receive it: even wee, who are dullandflow ofheart to believe the things that are written. 3. Whereas Come may fay, it cannot be cdenyed, but that the spirit drools y, inBelievers, but yet this is not perfonally, but only by his Grace, though I might reply, that this indeed, and upon the matter, is not to diflinguifh,but todeny, what is pofatively affirmed. To fay the spirit dwells in us, but not the Perlonof theSpirit, is not todiflinguifh, de modo,but to deny the thing it félfe; To fay, the Graces indeed of the Spirit are inus; (not dwell in us, for an Accident is not properlyPaid todwell in its fubje&) but the Spirit it felfe doth not dwell in us, is exprefsly tocall downe what the word Pets up. Iffuch diffin&ionsought to beefforce, to evadefo many pofitive and plaineTexts ofScripture, as havebeen produced; it may well bequeflioned, whether any Truth be capable ofproofe from Scriptureor no.Yet I fay farther, to obviate filch Obje&ions, and to prevent all quarrellings for the future, the Scripture it felfe,as to this bufineflèofthe Spirits indwelling, plainely diftinguifhethbe- tween the Spiritit felfe andhis Graces: He is(I fay)diftinguifhed from them, and that in refpelt to his indwelling. Horn. y. g. The Loveof God isfhed abroad inourhearts , by theHolyGhoI/,that isgiven to to: TheHoly Ghofl is given to us,to dwell in us, ashath been abundantly declared, and fhall yet farther be demonftrated. Here He is mentioned together' with the Loveof God, and hisfhedding thereofabroad in our Hearts;that is,with hisGraces:& is as cleave- ly diftinguifhed and differenced from them, as Caufe and effe& Take the Love ofGod,in either fence,that is controverted about this place, for out Love toGod , or a fenceofhis Love tous, and it is an eminent Grace oftheHoly¡ Spirit. Ifthen by the Holy Ghoft given-unto us yee underftand only the Grace ofthe Holy Ghofl, He being laid to be given , becaafe that is given, then thismuff be the fence of the place, The Grace of theHoly Ghofl isfiled abroad inour Hearts, by the GraceoftheHoly Ghofl,that is given' to us. Farther, if by the HolyGhoff, be meant only his Grace, I require what Grate it is, here by the expreffion intended ? Is it the fame with that es- preffed, the LoveofGod ? This were to confound the efficient caufe with its. effeet. Isit anyother Grace,that doth produce the great worke mentioned? Let us know what that Grace is, that haththis power & energie in its hand, of fhedding abroad the Love ofGod:inour Hearts. So Rom..8 rs. He(hall quickea your mortali bodyes by theSpirit, that dwelleth inyou. Thisquickning ofour mortali bodies is generally confeffed tobe (andthe fcopeof the place infor- ceth