C Ar.V111,43 The Spirit promifed to Believers, todwell inthem. 192 ceth that fence) our Spiritual!quickning in our mortall bodges: anention being made ofour bodyes, in Analogie to the body of chrifi: by his death, we have life,and quickning. Donbtleffe then it is a Graceofthe Spirit that is intended. Yea the habitual principleofall Graces.And this is wrought in usby theSpirit that dwelleth inus. There is not any Grace ofthe Spirit whereby he may dwell in men,antecedent tohis Quickning ofthetas. SpirttuallGraces,have not their refidence indead foulesSo that this muft be theSpirit himfelfe dwelling in us,that is here intended,and that perfonally:or the fenceofthewords mutt be The Grace ofquickningour mortall bodges, is wrought inw, by the Graceof ,uickning our mortall bodyes that dwell in us: which is plainely to confound the Caufe andEffe&; Betides it is thefame Spirit that raifedup Yefüsfrom the dead, that isintended, which doubtleffe was net any inherent Grace, but the Spirit ofGod himfelfe, working by theexceding greatnefle ofhis Power. 'Thus much is hencecleared. Antecedent in orderof natnre to our Quick- ning, there is aSpirit given tous, to dwell in us. Every efficient Caufe bath at leaft the precedencyofits effe&. NoGrace of theSpirit isbeltowed onus before our Quickning, which is,the preparation,ànd fitting of the fubje& for the receiving ofthem; the plantingofthe [Rote that containes them vertu ally, and brings them forth a&ually in their order. Gal.5..22. All Graces whatfoever come under the name dithe fruit ofthe Spirit: that is, which the Spirit in us brings forth,as theRooteBoth the fruit,which in its fodoing,is di- ftinft therefroin.Many oher inftances might be given, but thefe may ftlffice. q. There is a Perfonallity afcribed to the Holy Ghoft, in his dwelling in us $s..4. and that in fuch a way, as cannot be afcrihed to any Created Grace, which is but a Quality in a fubjef , and this the Scripture doth three wayes: r. Inperfonall Appellations. 2. InperfonallOperations. 3. Perfonall Circumfiances, . Firftthere are afcribedto the indwelling Spirit, in his indwelling, Perfo- nalAppellations;He that is inyou,isgreater then he that is in the world( HZwv ó tiv 4.'4:) He that is inyou, is a perfonall Denomination, which cannot be ufed -ofany Grace; or gratioushabit whatfoever: fo John 14.16,17. Hefhall abide withyou, he dwelleth withyou, andfhall be in you, 4,s4 2,1,010'1(xTn aü (A arp,4t 751 árnad.),6 évv¡úv tsm: John16.13. But when the Spirit ofTruth is come, v A éxat r'.xei,,, 7 avi7taa. His Perfonis as fignally defignedand exprefled, as any place ofScripture towhat intent or purpofe foevermentioned. Neither is it poffible to apprehend, that the Scripture would fo often, fo expreßly affirmne the fame thing inplaineproper words, if they were not to be taken, iii'tlYe fencewhich theyholdout. Themaine Emphafis oftheExpreflion.lyes upon theTermesthat areofaperfonall defignation., and to evadetheforce ofthem by the fore mentioned diítin&ion which they feeme fignally to obviate and prevent: is to fay what wepleafe, fo we may oppofe what pleafes us riot. 2. Perfonall operations, fuch a&s and aaings, as are proper to a perfon only,are afcribed to the Spirit in his indwelling. That place mentioned before Hom.8.11.iscleare hereunto, But ifthe spirit ofhim that raifedup Jeftis from the dead, dwell inyou, he who raifedChrifl from the deddpallquickenyour mor- tall bodyes by his Spirit which dsvelteh inyou,.or, by his indwelling:Spirit, vo,s7r7of mvet[.aTCb} 6v ti. To quicl¿enour mortall bodyes is a Perfonall a ling, & fuch as cannot be wrought but by an AlmightyAgent: And this is afcribed to the Spirit as inhabiting , whch is in orderof nature antecedent to his quickning ofus, aswas manifefted. And the fame is aflirted, v.15. TheSpirit, bearetb