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Cwr.Vlll. g: 9, io. Union ofChrift and hisMembers, wherein it confits, 194 'make out theitlmaginaryvnion, have deftroyed tile perfon ofatria ,and fancying a wayof uniting man to God by him, have left him tobe neither God nor Man. Others have deftroyed the PerfonofBelievers, affirming that in theirUnion with Chrift, they loofetheir own Perfonality,that is,ceafe to be ./Wen: or at leaft thefe or there Individuali men. I intend not now tohandle it at large, but only (and that t hope without offence)togive in my thoughts concerning it , as farre as it receiveth light from, and relateth unto, what bath been before delivered , concerning the Indwelling ofthe Spirit, and that without the leaft contending about other wayesof Expreffìon. s. 3. I fay then, this is that which gives tis Union with Chrift, and that wherein it confi(ts; even that the one, and felfe-faine Spirit, dwells in him andus; The firft laving Elapfe from God, upon the Hearts of the Elect, is the Holy Spirit. Theirguic&ning is every where afcribed to the Spirit,that is given unto them; There is not a quickning, a life-giving Power; in a quality, a created thing. In the state ofNature, betides gracious difpenfations and habits in theSoule in- cliningit to that which is good, and makingit a futable fubje& for fpirituall John 5. Operations , we want alto avitali Principle, which fhould allstate the difpo- $ph.2.is2. fed fubje&unto anfwerableOperations; this a quality cannot give, He that carries on theworke of quickning,doth allo begink. Rom: 8. i I. All Graces Gai.5 22. whatever, (as was Paid) are thefruits of theSpirit ; and therefore,in order of Nature,are wrought in men, confequentially to his being beftowed on them: Now in the firthbellowing oftheSpirit, wehave Union with Chrift, the car- ryingon whereof, confias in the farther manifeftation, and operations ofthe Indwelling Spirit, which iscalled Communion: To make this evident, that our Union with Chrift confifts inthis, thefame Spirit dwelling in him and us,and that this is our Union;let us take a viewofit Firth, from Scripturall Declara- tions ofit; and then Secondly, from Scripture Illufirations ofit, both briefely,, being not mydire&bufinefe in hand. g, 9, r. Firth Peter tells us, that it isaparticipation ofthe Divine Nature,2 Pet. t. 4. We are by the Promifes madepartakers of the DivineNature; that is, it is promifed to begiven unto us, which when we receive, we are made partakers of, by the Promifes. That thisparticipation of theDivine Nature (let it be interpreted how it will) is the fame,upon the matter,with our Union with Chrift, is not queftioned: that gáns sda fhould be only a gracious habit, quali- ty, or difpofrtion ofSoule inus, I cannot eally receive; that is fomewhere call- a Cor:5.i7, ed rt'vñ wl izis, the New Creature, but no where said ¢cíeie the Divine Nateere.The pretended highand fpirituall, but indeed groffe and carnali conceitsoffome, fromhence, deftruótiveto the Nature ofGod and Man,I(hall not turne afide toconfider; What that is ofthe Divine Nature, or wherein it doth confift, that weare made partakers ofby the Promifes, I Chewed before : That the Perlon ofthe Holy andBleffed Spirit is promifed to us, whence he is called the Holy Spirit ofPromife: Eph. i. r 3. bath been I fay byfundry evidences nianifefted: Upon the Accoinplifhment ofthat Promife, he coining to dwelt in us, weare laid in him, by the Promifes,tobe made partakersofthe Divine Nature. WeareM., xoiv voi pJnnwa,we have our Communionwith it:Ourpar- ticipation then of the Divine Nature,beingour Union with Chrift,,confifts in dwelling ofthe fame Spirit in him and in us, we receiving him by the Promife for that end. io. 2. Chrift tells us , that this Union arifes from the eating of his ffefh, and drinking of his b.laid , loh: 6. 56. Pee_ that eateth my fefh and drinketh my bland , dwelleth in me , and i in him ; The mutual! indwIliotg of Chrift and his Saints, istheir 'Union: this, faith Chritt