Of the Union ofChrift and. his Members. C. VII. *:I 1,11,13. Chrift,is from their Eatingmyflefl, and Drinkingmy blood; But how may this r95 bedonee Many wereof this laying was fpoken : neere and dole trialls offincerity, drive hypocrites intoApoftafy; from his Chrift takes away this fcruplev63.it is(faith he)thefpirit thatquicl¿neth, theflefh profitethWrithing: It is by the Indwellingofthe quickning Spirit,whereby we have .a reali par- ticipation ofChrift, whereby hedwelleth in us, and we in him; So, 3. He prayes for hisDifciples Zoh. 17.21. that they may be one as the Fa- §. I t. ther in him, andhe in theFather, that they may be one in the Father andSonne, and v.22. let them beone, even as we areone; And that yee may not think that it is onlyunion with, and among themfelves, that he preffes for, (though indeed that which gives themUnion with Chrift , gives them Vnion one with anotheralto, and that which conftitutes them oftheBody, unites them to the Head,& there isone Body,becaufe,there is one spirit Eph.4.4,.which evenLom- bardhimfelfehad fome notion of, in his Affertion, that Charity, which is in us, is the perforiofthe Hely Ghoft,from that placeof theApofle God is Love;) I fay, hefarther manifefts, that it is Union with himfelfe, which he intends v. 23. Sinthem (faith he) and thou in mee. This Vnion then with him,our Savi- our declares by, or at leaft illuftrates by refemblance , untohis union with theFather. Whether this be underftood ofthe Union;of the Divine Perlons, ofFather andSonne, in the Bleffed Trinity ( theUnion I meane, that they have with themfelves, in their diftintf Perfonality; and not their Unity of Effence) or the Union,whichwas between Father, and Sonne as Incarnate , it comes all to one, as to the Declarationofthat Union wehave withhim: The Spirit is VinculumTrinitatis, theBondoftheTrinity, as is commonly, and not ineptly fpoken; proceedingfromboth the other Perlons , being the Loveand Power of themboth, hegives that Union to the Trinity of Perlons, whofe fubflratum andGround, is the ineflimableunity of Effence, wherein they are one. Or ifyou takeit for the Unionofthe Father with the Sonne Incarnate, it is evident and beyond inquiry or difpute, that, as the PerfonallUnionofthe DivineWord, and the HumaneNature, was by the Affemption ofthat Nature into onePerfonall Subftance with it felfe5 fo thePerlon of the Father hathno other union with the HumaneNature ofChrif, iinmediatly, and not by the Union ofhis own Nature thereunto, in the Perlon ofhis Sonne, but what conftfts in that Indwelling ofhisSpirit, in all fulneffe, in the Man Chrift Jefus- Now faith our Saviour, this Union I deftre they mayhave with mee, by the dwelling ofthe fame Spirit in me and them,whereby I am in them, and they in me, as I amone with thee O Father. 2. TheScripture Pets forth this Union by many Illuflrations, givenunto it 0. la. from.the things oftheneereft Union,that are fubje& toour apprehenfion, gi- ving the verytermes ofthe things fo united, unto Chrift andhis,in their Uni- on, I (hall name fome fewofthem. i. That ofHead andMembers making up oneBody, is often infifted on: ß. 131 Chriff is the Headof hisSaints, and they being many areMembers ofthatone Bo- dy, andofone another, as theApofile at large i Cor: 12.12. even as the Body is one, andhath many members, and allthe members of that one body, being many, are one body, fo is Chrifl; The body is one, and the:Saints are oneBody , yea one Chrift, that ismyfticall. They then are theBody: what part is Chrift? He is theHead I Cor, I I.3. the Headofevery man (that is every Believer) is Chrifí; He is the Head ofthe Church, andthe Saviour ofthe Body; Fphef 5. 2 3. he is the HeadoftheBody theChurch, Col:1.,19. This relationofHead and Members (Ifay)betweenChrift andhis, holds out the Union that is between them, which confifts in their being fo. As the Head and the Members makeoneBo-' dy, foChrift and his Members make one myflicall Chrift; Whence then is. it C c 2 that