Union ofChrift and his Members, wherein itconfifls. CAP. VIII.§:i6. in the one as the other: only with this difference, in the Root and Tree it is 197 originally, in the Boughs by way ofCnmmunication_ And this álfo ischofen to fetout the UnionofChrift, andhis. Both he,andthey, are partakers ofthe famefruit«bearing Spirit; He that dwells in them, dwells in him alto: only it is in him, as to them,originally, in them by Communication from him: Take a Lyon a graft , aplant, fix it to the Tree with all the art you can, and bind it on as clofe aspoflible, yet 'tisnot united to the Tree, until! the Sappe that is in theTree, be communicated to it, which communication flutes the Union; Let aman bebound to Chrift by.all the bonds ofprofeffion imaginable, yet unleffe theSapp; that is in him, theHolyand BleffedSpirit, be alfocommu- nicated tohim, thereis no Union between theni. And this is the firft thing, thatdoth iffue and depend upon the .indwellingoftheSpirit in Believers,even VnionwithChrift:which is aDemonftratión of it apofteriori. 2. TheSpirit as indwelling, gives usLifeand Ruickning:God ickensour ¢: :. mortal! bodges,(or us in them) by his spirit, that dwellsin us, (Rom. 8. i i. ) by which Spirit Chrift alto was railed from the dead: and therefore the Apofile mentioning,in another place,the beginning and carrying onof Faith in us, he faith, it is wrought according to the exceeding greatneffe ofthe power ofGod, which hewrought inChrif1 when he raifedhim from the dead, Ephef j. 8. NoW this Quickning there are two things. I. The Rawprimos, or the Life it felfebeftowed. 2. TheOperations ofthat Life in them, on whom it is beftowed. . For thefirft, I (hall not pofitively determine, what itis,nor wherein it Both confift. This iscleare that by naturewe are dead in trefpaffes andfinnes. That in our Quickning, wehave anew Spirituali lifecommunicated tous, and that fromChrifr, in whom it is treafured up for thatpurpofe.But what this Life is it doth not fully appeare,whilft we are here below. All a&uail Graces con- feffedly flowfrom it, and arediftin& from it, as the Operationsofit. I fay,in this fence they flow from it confeffedly, as fuitable a&ings are from habits t though tothe a&uall exercife ofany Grace within, new helpe and aflìftance is neceffary,in that continuall dependance are we upon the fountaine.Whe- ther it conifts in that,which iscalled habituallGrace, or the gracious fuitable- neffe and difpofitionofthe foule untoSpirituall Operations,may bedoubted. The Apofile tells us, clrif it our Life.Col. 3 4. When Chrift, who isour Li fhall appeare. andGal. 2.22. Chrift Liveth inme; Chrift liveth inBelievers by his Spirit, as hathbeen declared; Chrift dwelleth inyou,and his Spirit dwelleth in yon, areexpreflions ofthe fame import and fignification. But 2. God byhis Spirit worketh inus both to will and to do, ofhis oitsnegood pleafure. All vitali a&ions are from him; itmaybePaid ofGraces,and Grati . ous Operations, as well as Guifts,all thefe worketh in us that one andfelfefame Spirit, dividing to everyone ashewill. (Butthis is not now to be infifted on.) . 3: The Spirit as indwelling, gives guidance'and dire&ion to them,in whomheis, as tothe way wherein they ought to walke. Rom:8,14. As viany as are leadby the Spirit ofGod: TheSpirit leades them inwhom it is and They are laid to walkeafter thespirit: Now there is a twofold Leading, Gui- dance or direftion. i. Morall and Extrinfecall, the leading ofaRule. 2. Internal! andEfficient,theleading ofaPrinciple. Ofthefe, the one layes forth the way, the other dirells, and carryesalong in it. The firft isthe Word, giving us the Direlfion ofa way, of aRide; the latter is the Spirit, effe&ually guiding and leadingus in all the paths thereof. Withoutthis, the other dire&ion will beofno Caving ufe, It may be lineup- , Cc 3 on