C AP.V11I.g,t8 The Gnidanceof the Spirit twofold. 198 on line, precept uponprecept, yet mengoebackward, and are infnared. David j notwithftanding the Ruleof the Word, yea the Spirit.ofProphecy, for the r inditingofmoreofthe mind ofGod for the ufe ofthe Church, when moyed thereunto, yet in one Pfalmecryes out four times;, oh ! give me underflanding to keepe thy Commandements, concluding that hencewould be his life, that therein it lay, Ohgive me (faith he) undemanding and Ifhall live, Pfal. i19. 144.ío Paul biddingTimothy confider theWord ofthe Scripture,thathe might knowwhence it is, that this will beofufe unto him, he addes, Ipray the Lord give thee nnderfianding in allthings 2 Tim: 2.7. How this Underftanding is gi- ven, the fame Apofiles informes us . Eph, 1.17,18. The God ofour Lord jefus Chri"fl,the FatherofGlory,give unto ue theSpirit of Wifdome,&Revelation in the knowledgeofh. im, the eyes of our underflandings being'thereby inlightned. It is theSpirit ofWifdome and Revelation,theHoly Spirit ofGod;from whom is all TCor.2.11. Spirituali Wifdome andall Revelation of the will ofGod,who being given unto us, by theGodofour Lord Jefus Chrift, and our God in him,inlightens our underflandings, that we may know&c. And on this account is theSonne ofGod faid to come and give us an Vnderflanding to know him that is true: that is,himfelfe by hisSpirit, 2 Joh. 5. zo. IS. Now therebe two wayes,whereby theSpirit givesus Guidance,to walke ac- cording to the Ruleofthe Word. I. By giving usthe knowledge ofthe willofGod, in. all Wifdome and Spiri- tuall Vnderflanding. Cok t.9. carrying us on unto all Riches of the full alit- raneeofVnderflanding, to the acknowledgmentof God, andof theFather, andof Chrisl, Cap.2.2. This is thatSpirituall,Habituall, Saving illumination,which he gives to theSoules ofthem, towhom he isgiven: He, who commanded light to Thine oat ofdarkeneffe, byhim,fhining into their minds, to give them the know- ledge ofhis Glory in thefaceoffefusChrifl, 2 Cor. 4.6. This is elfe where ter- Coi.1.13. tried tranflatingfrom darkneffe to light: opening blind eyes, giving light to them. Pet.,.9. that are in daarineffe, freeingus from the Conditionof naturals men;.who Eph.5.8. cernenot the thingsthat This the A oftle makeshis defigne to cleare Luk.4.1 are ofGod. P g z cor.s.s4. up and manifeft 1 Cor, s. He tells you, the things ofthe Gofpell are the Wif- domeofGod in a myflery, even the hidden Wifdome, which God ordained before the world,untoourglory,v.7 And then proves that an acquaintance herewith, , is not tobeattained by anynaturali meanes or abilityes whatfoever: v:9. Eye bathnotfeene,Bare hathnot heard, nor bath it entred into the heartofman, the thingswhichGodbath preparedfor thofe that Love him: And thenceunto theendofthe Chapter,varioufly manifefts,how this is given toBelievers, and wrought in themby the Spirit alone; from whom it is, that they know the mindof Chrift; Put (faith he) God hath revealed themunto us, by his spirit, for the Spiritfearcheth all things, even the deepe things 'ofGod: for who knoweth the things ofaman,but thefpirit ofaman? &who knoweth the things ofGodbut the Spirit ofGod?andwe have received the Spirit , not of this world, but the Spirit which isofGód, that we may know the things which arefreely given w of God. nil9 119 Theword is as theway whereby we goe: yea an externall Light, asa light to ourfeet, andos aLanthorne to our paths; yeaas the Sunne in the firmament, fending forth its beames of light abundantly.' But what willthis profit, if a man haveno Eyesin hishead? Theremuff not only be light in the objell,and in the medium, but in thefubjell, inour Hearts and Minds:And this is ofthe operation ofthe Spirit of Light and Truthgiven tous, as the Apoftle tells us, 2 Cor.3. 18. we all with open face beholding the Glory ofGod as in aglaffe, are changed into thefame Image,from Glory to Glory, as by theSpirit ofthe Lord: This is thefirft way,whereby the HolySpirit dwelling in us,gives Guidance and