TheGuidance of the Spirit, wherein it corals. CAP. val. §:19,20, and dire&ion: fundamentally, habitually, he enlightens our inindes;gives us 199 ' eyes, tinder ftandings; pines into us ; translates us from darkneffe into marve- lousfight, whereby alone we are able to fee our way; toknow our paths; and to difcerne the things ofGod: without this, men areblind, andfeenothing áfarreof 2 Pet: 2.9. There are three things,which'men eitherhave; or may bé made partakers 4. 119 of without this, this communication ofLight, by the Indwelling Spirit. i. They have thesubject ofknowledge, a natural' faculty of underftan- ding;their mindes remaine,though depraved; defiroyed, perverted ; yea Iò farre that their eye, and the light thatis in them is darkneffe; yet the faculty re. Ntaeh 6 23, maine ftill. 2. They may have theObjeíl , br Truth revealed in the word 5 This is common to all, that are made partakers ofthe good Wordof God; that is,t4 whom 'tis Preached and delivered, as it is to many,whomit doth not profit, be- ing notmixt with Faith. Heb:4.2. 3. Theway and meanesofComn unieatingthe truth fo revealed to their minds or underftandings, Which is the Litterall, Grammaticali, Logical' deli- very ofthe things contained in theScriptures; as heldout to their Minds and Apprehenfions, in their Meditation on them: and this meanes of convayance ofthe fenceof the Scripture, is plaine, obvious, and cleare , in all necetlary Truths. AConcurrenceof thefe three will afford, and yeild them, that haveit, tip- on their diligence and enquiry , a Difciplinary knowledge of the .Litterall fenceofScripture, as they have ofother things: By this meanes, the Light pinesQaiver, fendsout fome betimes oflight into their darke minds, but the darkneffe comprehendsit not; receives not the Light in a fpirituall manner: John there isnotwithftanding all this, JIMwanting ;thework of the Spirit before mentioned, creatingand implanting iii and upon their underflandings and minds, that Light and power ofdifcerning fpirituall things, which before we infifted on. This theScripture fometimes calls, theopening of the under' and- ing. Luk:2q..45.fometimes the giving an underilanding st ¡elfe, 2 Tim: 2. y. jobn.5.2o fometimes, light in the Lord, Ephef. .8, Notwithftanding all the Advantages formerly fpokenof, withoutthis men are 1till naturali men, and darkneffc, not comprehending, not receiving the things ofGod: that is, not fpiritually, for fo theApoftle adds, becaufe they Spiritually difcerned. i Cor. 2. 14. Receiving Spirituali things, by meere naturali mediums, they become foolifhneffe unto them: This is the firft thing, that the Spirit dwelling inus, Both, towards Guidance andDireftion: he givesa new Light,and LInderftan= . ding,whereby in generaliwe are inabled todifcerne,comprehend,and receive Spirituali things. 2. In particular, he Guides and leades men to the embracing particular Truthes and to the walking in, and up, unto them. Chrift promifed togive st. 2d. him to us for this end;namely to leadus into all Truth. john 16.x 34-le will guide us into 'all Truth ;There is more required to the receiving,entertaining,embra- cing,a particularTruth,& reje&ingofwhat is côtrary unto it,thenan habitu- all Illumination: This allo is thework ofthe Spirit that dwells in us;he works this allo inour minds & hearts :thereforetheApofile fecures his littleehildren that they (hall belead intoTruth,& preferved frô feduition,on this account, i john 2.20. Ton have auVnllion from the holyone_(or, ye have received the Spirit from the Lord Jefus) andyou(hall know all things: why fo?becaufe it is his worketo Guide and Lead you intoallthe things,whereof I am a fpeaking; And more fullyv:27 Tots have received an VnElion from him, that abideth in you, andyou have noneedthat any teach you, but as the Vntfion teacheth you of a4í