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C A PAIL..., :,ax The Guidanceof the Spirit wherein it confi(is. 200 all things, and is true, and is no lye, and ashe hath taughtyou,abide in him: Itis received as promifed, it dothabide as the Spirit is Said todo,and it teacheth, which is theproper workeofthe Spirit in an eminent manner. 4.2r. Now this Guidanceof Believersby the Spirit, asto the particularTruthes, and aetings, confifts in his putting forth of a twofold Atof Light, and Power. Firft, OfLight, and that alto is twofold. I. OfBeauty, as to the things tobe receivedor done; he reprefents them to the foule, as Excellent, Comely, Defirable and Glorious, leading us on irs the receivingoftruth,fromGlory to Glory, 2 Cor.2. 18. He puts upon every Truth a new Glory, making and rendring it defirable to the foule, without which it cannot be clofed withal], as not difcovering, either fuitableneffe or proportion unto theminds and hearts ofinen. And 2. By fomea&ua}1 elevationofthe minde and underftanding to goc forth unto, and receive into it (elfe, the Truth, as reprefented to it: by both of them, fending forth Light andTruth Pfal. 43. 3. blowing of the Cloudes, 2 Pets. rç. and railing up the day Starre, that rifes inour hearts, Secondly, OfPower, Ifa. 3 5. 6. Thebreaking forthof Streamer, makes not only the blind to fee, but the lame to leape, Strength comes,as well as Light. by the powringout ofthe Spirit on us: Strength for the receiving and pra- &iceofall his Gracious difcoveries to us : He leader us, not only in Gene- rah', implanting afaving Light in the minde, whereby it is difpofed and ena- bled todifcerne Spirituali things, . in a Spiritual] .manlier, but alfoas to Par- ticular Truths, rendring them Glorious, and Défirable, opening the mind andUnderftanding by newbeames ofLight, he leades the foule irreliftably into ÿ hi the m receivingofthe truthsrevealed: which is the fecond thing. we have g.2a. 1 than onlyobferve for a dole of this, one or two Confequences ofthe weight ofthis twofold Operation ofthe indwellingof Chrift. I. From the want ofthe firft, or hiscreating a new light in theminds of men, it is that fomany Labour in the fire,for an acquaintance with the things ofGod,It is (I fay) a confequence ofit,as darknefle is ofabfence ofthe Sunne. Many we feeafter fundry years fpent in conlderable labours and diligence, reading ofm anybookes, with acontribution ofafliftance from other ufefull flom.r.2s,22 Arts and Sciences, in theiffiie of all their indeavours, do max vaine in their imaginations, having theirfoolifh hearts darkned, profeffing themfelves wife, they become fooles, being fo farre from any Sappe, and favour, that they have not the leaves of ability in things Divine. Others indeed make fome progreffe in adifèiplinary knowledge ofDoëtrines oftheScriptures, and can accurately reafon and diftinguith about them, according to the formes, wherein they have been exercifed, and that to a great height of convieri- on in their ovine fpirits, and permanency in the profeffion they have taken up, But yet all this while they abide without any effefuall power of the Rom.e,r;. Truth, conforming and framing their fpirits unto the likenejje and mould thereof, They doe but fee men walking like trees: fome Niles ofthe light breake in upon themwhich rather amaze,thenguides them,they comprehend it not, They fee Spirituali things in a Naturali Light, and prefently forget what manner ofthings they were: and in thefpecies, wherein theyare retai- n cor. 2. 12, ned, they are foolifhnefle. 23,14' 2, From the want ofthe latter, itis,that we our felves are follow in recei= ving fome partes of Truth, anddo find it fo difficult to convinceothers of fomeother partsofit, which to us are written with the beames oftheSunne- Unleffe the Truth it felfe be rendred a Glory to the. underftanding, and the minde