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Supportmentaft effeé}of the Spirit's Tn-dwelling, C. VIII. §: s$, mind bea&ually inlightned,as to the Truth reprefented, it is not tobe recci 2ór ved in a fpirituall manner. Thofewho know at all, what theTruth is, as the Truth is i,s jefus, will not take itup upon any other' more common account; Somtitnes indealing with Godly Perlons, toconvince `them of aTruth, we are ready to admire their Stupidity, or perverfenefl'e, that they will not re- ceive that, which fhines inwith fobroad a Light upon our fpirits. The truth is, untili theHoly Spirit fends forth the Light and Power mentioned; it is impoflible,that their minds and hearts fhould reft,and acquiefce in anyTruth whatever. But 4. From thisIndwelling of theSpirit, we havefupportment: our Hearts are g' 23. very ready to finkeand faileunder our tryalls :' indeed a little thing will can fe us fo to do: fleflr,and heart,and all that is withinus are Toone ready to faile. Pi .i 3.26. Whence is it,that wedo not finke into the deeps ? that wehave fo many and fo fweet,and gracious Recoveries, when we are ready tobe fwallowed up .? The spirit,that dwells in us, gives us fupportment. Thus it was with David, Pfal.51.22.He was ready to be overwhelmed under a fence of the Guilt of that great finne, whichGod then forely charged upon his Confcience, and cryes out likea man ready to finke under water, oh uphold me with thy free spirit, ifthat donot fupport me,I fhall perifh So Rom.8.26. The Spirit-helpetb bearés up thatznfirmity,which is ready to makeus godoubleHow often fhould webe overborne with our burthens,did not the Spiritput under his Power,to beare them, and to fupport us ? Thus Paul affures himfelfe, that he (hall he carried through all histryalls; by the helps fiipplyedto him by the spirit. Phil. 1.19. Thereare two fpeciall waies,whereby the Spirit communicatesfepportnaent 4. 25, unto the Saintswhen they are ready to finke, and that upon two accounts. FirthofConfolation, and thenofStrength. 1. The firthhe doth by bringing to mind the things, that Jefus Chrift bath left in ftore for their fupportment. Our Saviour Chrift informing his Difciples; how they fhould be upheld in their tribulations,tells them, that theCornforter,whichJhould dwellwith them, andwas in th m,.(Ioh:i4.56,17.) fhould bring toremembrance, what hehad toldthem. v. 26. Chrift hadfaid many things, thingsgracious and heavenly, to his Difciples : He had given them many richand pretiom Promifes, touphold their hearts in their greatefFper- plexities; Bnt knowing full well how ready they were to forget , and to let flip the things that werefpoken, and how coldly his Prornifes would come in Heb. 2 Y= to their aflìfhance, when retained only in their natural] faculties , and made ufeofby their owne fhrength; to obviate thefe evills, tells them , that this workhe cominitteth to thechargeofanother,who will doe it to the purpof- When yeare ready todrive away theComforter (faith he) who is inyou ,he (hall bring toRemembrance,&apply to your foules,the thingsthat I have fpo- ken, thePromifes that I have made , which will then beunto you , as Life, from the dead. And this hedoth everyday; How often, when the Spiritsof the Saintsare ready to faint within them , when lhraitesand perplexities are roundabout them, that they knownot what to doe, nor whether to apply themfelves for helpe or fupportnent , loth the Spirit, that dwelleth in them, bring tomind force feafonable, fuitable Promife of Chrifh, that hears them up quite above their difficulties and diftra&ions, opening fuch a new fpringof Life and Confolation to their foules, as that they, who but now fhooped; yea were almoft bowed to the ground,doe Rand upright, and feele no weight or burthenat all. Often times theygoe for Water to the well, and are not able todraw; orif it be powred out upon them, it comes like raineon a flick, that is fullydry. They feeke to Prouiifes for refrefhment, and find no more Dd favour