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CXIII. g; 26.Renewall of ftrengthningGracefrom the I ndwellìugSpirit. 202 favour in them, then the whiteofan Egge: but when the fame Promifes are brought to remem;rance by the Spirit the Comforter, whb is with them , and in them, how full ofLifeand Power are theyc 4.26 2. As this he doth to fupport Believers, in refpe t of Confolation, fo,as to the Communion ofreallftrength, he ftirresup thofe Graces in them , that are ftrengthning andfupporting. The Gracesof the Spirit are indeed, all ofthem fupporting and upholding: Ifthe Saints fall and finkeat any titne;m any duty, under any tryall, it is becaufe their Graces'are decayed, and do draw back, as to theexercife of them: if thoufaint in the day ofAdverfity, it is not becaufe thy Adverfaries are great or ftrong, but becaufe thy ftrength itfmall, Prov:2q,. Io. All our Faintingis from theweakneffeof our ftrength: Faith , Waiting ,Pa- tience, are finali: when DavidsFaith and Patience began to finkeand draw Pral.i t6. xi. back, he cries All men are lyars, I (hall one day perifh by the handof mine E- nemies; When Faith isbut little, andGrace but weake, we (hall be forced , if the Wind do but begin toblow, tocry out, fave Lord, or we finke and pe- rifh: let a Temptation, a Luft, a Corruption, lay any Grace a fleepe, and the ltrongeft Saint will quickly become likeSampfon with his haire cut, and the Philiflimsabout him; he maythink to doe great matters, but at the firft try - all, he is made a fcornetohis enemies ; Peter thought it was thegreatnejfe of the Winds and waves that terrified him, but our Saviour tells him, it was the Mat.i4. 3r. weakneffe ofhis Faith that betrayedhim. For.reliefe in thiscondition , theSpi- 32= rit,thatdwells in the Saints, flirres up, enlivens, and a&tuates all his Gracesin them, that mayfupport, and ftrengthen them in their duties, andunder their Tribulations. Rom: 5. Paul runs up the influenceofGrace into the Saints fup- portment,unto thisFountain. v. 3. ..We glory in Tribulation ; this is as higha pitch, as can be attained: tobe patient under' Tribulation, is no (mall vi lory; toGlory in it, amoil eminent Triumph, a conformity to Chrift, who in his Croffe triumphed, over all his oppofers; wearenot only patient under tribu- lations, and have ftrength to beare them, but,faith the Apoftle, we glory and rejoyce in them,as things very welcome to us ; How comes this about ? Saith he,Tribulationworketh patience; (that is,it Pets it aworke; for Tribulation in it felfe, will never worke, or beget patience in us) andPatience Experience, and ExperienceHope, and Hope maketh not a+fh.amed. It is from hence, that thefe Graces, Patience, Hope, Experience, being fet onworke, doe beareup, and fupport ourfoules, and ruile them to fuch an height under their preflures, that we have great caufe of reioycing in them all: Yea butwhence is this Do thefe Graces readilycome forth, and exert themfelves, with anefficacy fuita- bleto thistriumphing frame? Theground & fpring ofall is difcoveredv. 5. it is becaufe theLove of Gild isjhhed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Gho.fl,that. isgiven to us. From this fountaine do all thefe frelh ftreamesflow: theSpirit that is givenus, thatfhed abroad the Loveof God in our Hearts and thereby fets all our Graces on worke. He oyles the wheeles of the foules obedi- ence, when we neitherknow what to do, nor how to performe what we know_ 4: 27. 5 This indwellingSpirit, gives Refiraint: Refiraining Grace Both mainly confift in morali perfwafions, from the Caufes, Circumfiances,and Ends of things;When aman is diffwaded from finne,upon Confiderations taken from any fuch head or place, as is apt to prevaile with him, that perfwafion foap- plyed and intended ofGod for that end, is unto him re.ffraining Grace: By this meanes loth theLord keepe within bounds themoft of theSonnesof men,notwithftandingall their violent and impetuousTufts; Hell, frame, bit- terneffe, difappointment on the one hand; Credit,Repute, quietnesofConfci- ence,& the like, on the other,binde thé to their goodBehaviour.God through thefe