Refdraint an efl'e&of the Spirit's In-dwelling. C. VIM s5=z7. thefe things,dropsan awe upon their Spirits, binding them upfront running 203 out unto that' compaffè of exceffe and ryot, in finning, which otherwifè their tufts would carry them . out unto. This is not his wayofdealing with the Saints, hewrites his Law in their hearts,and puts hisfeare in theirinward Jer.31.34. parts, that theymay not depart from him, making them a willing people, throughhis owne Power. By his effectually remaining Grace, he carryes them Piat.0 0,39 out, kindly, chearefully, willingly, to do his whole will,' working in them to will and to do,o fhis owne good pleafure: yet notwithftanding all this, often times,through the ftrengthofTemptation,the fubtilty ofSathan,and his rea- dineffeto improve all Advantages to the utmoti, the treachery and deceit= fulnefle of indwelling finne, and corruption, they are carryed beyond the boundsand lines ofthat principle, or LawofLife and Love, whereby they are lead. What now doth theLord do ? They are ready to runne quite out of the pafture ofChrift; Both he let them goe, and give themup to them- felves ? Nay,but he Pets an hedge about them, that they (hall not find their way. He leades them as thewild Affe in her month, that they maybe found: heputs a Reftraint upon their Spirits, by fetting home fome fad confiderati- ons ofthe evill oftheir hearts and wayes, whether they are going, what they are doing,and what (hall be ¡flueof their walking fo looíly. Even in this life, whatfhame,what fcandall,whatdithonour to themfelves,theirprofeffion, the Gofpell, their Brethren, it would prove, and fo hampers them , quiets their, Spirits, and gently brings them againe under obedience unto that prin- ciple of Love, that is in them, and the Spirit ofGrace (whofe yoake they were °rafting off, ) whereby they are lead, Many times then, even the Saints.of God are kept from finnes, efpecially outward , aótuall finnes, upon fuch outward motives , reafonings, and confiderations , as other men are : Peter was broken lode, and running downe hill apace, denying and forfwearing his Matter ; Chrift puts a reftraint upon his Spirit bya looke towardhim : this mindes him ofhis folly, unkindneffe, his former raft] confidence,and ingagement to dye with his Matter, and Pets him on filch Confiderations,as ftirred up the principle ofGrace in hitn, to take itsplace and ruleagaine: andin obedience thereunto, he not only defefis from any farther denyall, but Faith, Repentance, Lòve, all exerting themfelves, he goes out, and wept bitterly: It is fo frequently with the Saintsof God, theugh m leffer evills: byneglef and omiffionofduty, or inclination to evill, and rioting +with temptations , they breake out Of the pure and perfeft Rule and Guidanceofthe Spirit, whereby they ought to be lead: inftantly Come Con federations or otherare preffed onupon their Spirits,taken perhaps from out- ward things, which recovers them to that obedientiall frame,from whence, through violence ofCorruption, and Temptation, they had broken. Like an Hawke fitting on a mans hand, eating her meat inquietneffe,is fuddenly,by theoriginall wildneffe ofher nature, carryed out to anattempt offlying a- way with fpeed, but ischeckt by the firing at her heeles,upon whichThee re- turnes toher meat againe. We have an innate wildneffe in us, provoking and furringas up to runne from God. Werewe not recovered by force clog faftned on as for our Reftraint, we thouldoften tonneinto the molt defperate paths. And this Ref%raint (I fay) is from the indwelling spirit; He ftirrs up one thingor other,to (mite theHearts& Confcience,when it isunder the Power ofanyTemptation to finne and folly. So it was with David,in the Attempt he madeuponSaul, when he cut of the lappe ofhis Garment; Temptation,&op-. portunity hadalmoft turned him loofe frb under the powerofFaith,waiting, and dependance onGod, wherein lay the generali frame of his Spirit: lie is D d 2 recovered