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CAP .V111. §:2 S. Retaewall ofGrace from the I ndwellìug Spirit. 204 recovered to it by ablow upon theheart,from fomer,difmall Confideration o the Iffue, and fcandall ofthat which he was about. $5.28. 6. We have herebyallo the Renewall, daily Renewall offanaifyingGrace; Inherent Grace is a thing in its ownenature, apt todecay and dye; it is com- pared to things ready todye Rev. 3.2. f rengthen the things thatremaine, (faith Chrift to theChurch ofSardis) that are ready to dye. It isa thing,thattnay wi- ther and decline from its vigor, and the foule may thereby be betrayed into manifold weakneffes and backflidings. It is not meerely from the nature of theTrees in the GardenofGod, that their fruit failes not, nor their leaves wi- Pfal.1.4. then but from their Planting by the Rivers of water; Hence are the fcknefes, I weakneffes, and decayes oftheSpirit, mentioned in the Scripture. Should he, who had the richeft flockofany living, be left to fpend of it, without new fupplies, he would quickly bea Bankrupt; This alfo is prevented by the In- dwéllin, Spirit. Heis the,fatneffe of the Olive, that is communicated to the branches,continually tokeep them fruitfull and flourifbing: He is that golden Oyle, which paffes through the Branches , and empties it (elfe in the fruitful- neffeof the Church. He continually fillsour Lamps with new Oyle; and puts new vigor into our fpirits. Pfal,92.10. thou lifted up myhome, as the homeof an Vnicorne, Iam anoynted with frefh oyle, or renewed fupplies of the Spirit. And this Pfal.ro3: 5. is called a renewingof Tenth like the Eagles; a Recovery offormer ftrength and vigor, newpower and ability for new duties and per- formances; And how còmes that about? faith the Pfalmift, it isbyGods fa- tisfyingmy mouth withpod things: hefatisfyedhis mouth with good things; or anfwered hisprayers: What there good things are , which the Saints pray for, and wherewith their mouthes are fatisfied, our Saviourtells us; your Fa- ther (faith he) lznowetb how togive good thing,. to them that asks them ofhim; which exprefling inanother place,he faith, your Father will give theHoly Spi- rit to them that asks himofhim; He is given us, and he renewesourfirengthas theEagles, making our foules which were ready to languifh, prompt, ready, cheerefull, ftrong in the wayes ofGod; To this purpofe is that Prayer ofthe Spoufe. Cant. 4.6. Awake 0Northwind, and come thou South, andblow upon my Garden, that thefavour ofmyfpices may flow out; let my beloved come intohis Garden, that he may eate ofthe fruit of hispreciasen things; Shee is fenfibleofthe witheringofher Spices, thedecayes ofher Graces ; and her difability there- upon, togive any fuitable entertainment unto Jefus Chrift; Hence is her ear- neftneffe for newbreathings, And operations ofthe Spirit ofGrace, torenew, and revive; and let on worke againeher Graces in her,which,without it,could not be done; All Graces are the fruitsof theSpirit. Gal. 5.25,26. The fruitor theSpirit is Love, joy, Peace, Long-ruffering, Kindoieffe, Goodnefe, Faith, Gen- tlenefe,Temperance; ifthe Root doe not .communicate frefh juyce and fappe continually, the fruit will quickly wither ; were there not a continuall com- municationofnew life, and frefhnefe unto our Graces, from the Indwelling Spirit, we fhould Toone be poore withered Branches: this our Saviour tells us, .loh. 1 5.4,5 abidein meeandI inyou: as the branches cannot bringforthfruitof themfelves, unlefè they remaine in the Vine, no more can yee stetejJéye abide in mee; Iam theVine,yee are theBranches: hewho abideth inmee, andI in him, he bringethforthmuchfruit, forfeparate frommeeye candoe nothing. Our Abiding in Chrift, and his in us, is (aswas declared) by the Indwelling of the fame Spi- rit in himand us. Hence,faith Chrift, haveyou all your fruit -bearingvertue, . and unlefle that be continued to us, we (hall wither and éonfuine to nothing; David in his fpiritually declined condition, intangled under the power and guilt offinne, cries out forthe continuance oftheSpirit,and therefloringhim, as to thole endsand purpofes, in reference whereunto, he was departed from him