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C A r.V111.g20,;1. lob. 4. 14, Opened- 206 ved from the words, togive Light untotheir tendency to the Confirmation ofthe Truthwe haveunder confideration. 4.30 Firft, the Water here Protnifedby our Saviour, is theHoly andBleffed Spirit: thisneeds no labour to demonftrate The Spirit himfelfe fo interprets it,John 7. 38,39. He who believeth on me,(faithour Saviour)as theScripturefaith -rivers ofliving Water(hallflowout ofhisbelly:But this hefàidof the Spirit,which theyfhouldreceive, who believe on him; that which in oneplace he calleth awell ofWaterfprìngingup to Life in ses, is in the other,in equivalent terries, called Riversofliving Water , flowing out ofourbellies: And the Holy Ghotl tells us, that he himfelfe,theBlefhed Spirit, is Ggnified by that expreflìon. Neither is there any thing bellowed on us,that can be compared to afpringofwater, a- riling up, increafing,and flowingout abundantly upon its owne accdunt,but the Spirit only. It is only theSpirit, that is a fountaine ofrefref iment, from whenceall GraceBoth abundantly flow. It is (I fay) theSpirit, whereof we have been fpeaking, who is procuredfor us, andbellowedupon us by Jefus Chrifl, whiçh;as an everlafting Fountaine , continually fupplies us with re- frelhing flreames ofGrace, andfills us a new therewith, when the Channells thereofin our foules are ready tobecome -dry. And Secondly, the !late and Condition ofthem, on whom this living Water isbellowed, in reference thereunto, is defcribed, Saith our Saviour, he that hath this SpiritofGrace, this well oflivingWater, !hall never thirff. - It is moil emphatically exprefl by two Negatives, and an Exegeticall additional! terme for weight and certainty. x si4 et, he (hall river thirft to eternity: or as it is exprffed, John 6. 25. a he (ball never thirii at any time. There is a two fold third. . i. There is a thirfhtotalis indigentie ofa whole and intire want,- of that men thirfl after: and thisis the thiril,that returnes upon men in their naturali lives: After they have allayed it once with naturall water, they thirfl againe, and their want of water returnes as intire and full, as if they had never dranke in their lives: Such a fpirituall Thirfl clothGod afcribe to wicked men Ifa. 65.13. Myfervants (ball eat, butyak 'hallbe hungry: my fervants(ball drinke, bat ye(ball be7hirfly. Their hunger and thirl is the totali want of Grace, not that theydo defire it, but that they have it not. And this thirfl of totall want ofGrace, is that, that never (hall, nor can befall them, who have received theSpirit ofGrace, as a Well ofWater in them. They can neverfa thirft, as tobe returnedagaineinto the Condition, wherein they were, before they dranke ofthat Spirit. 2. There isallo a Thirfi ofdefier, and complacency ofthe good Things thirfted after. In this fence they are pronounced Bleffed,who hungerand7hirfl rdadi.s. after Righteoufneffe. AndPeter inflru&ls us to grow in this Thirst moreand more, the a Pet.2: 2. As newborne, babes *fire thefincere mile of the Word, thatye may grow thereby. The enjoyment ofthe Spirit doth not take away this Thirst, butbegin it, and increafe it: and by this ibirfl, as one ineanes, are wepreferved from that total! want 8rcindigency,which (hall neveragaine befall us. 4.31, Thirdly,our Saviour gives the reafon,why,and whence it is,that they,who , drinke ofthisWater, are made partakers ofhis Spirit, (hall thirfl no more, or neverbe brought to the Conditionoftotall want ofGrace, which they were in,before they received him: becaufe the water which I'hallgive them (faith he) theSpirit,which I(hall bellow upon them , dwelleth in them (as we have (hewed) (hall be a well ofWater, a fountaine ofGrace, fpringing up in them to everlafling Life, continuing and perpetuating theGrace communicated, unto the full fruition of God inGlory. There are -among others) three eminent things