Mr Gs Exceptions confidered & removed. CAP. VIII. 4: 32, things in this Reafon, to confirme us in the faith of the former Aflerti- on. I The condition or nature ofthe Spirit in Believers. He is aWell, a Fountain, a spring, that never can,nor will be dry toEternity. 2. Theconfiant f seplyes ofGracethat this Spirit affords them, in whom he is: He is Water alwaies f pringing up: fo that to fay he will refresh Saints andBe- hey erswith his Grace, provided that they turne not profligatelywicked, is o- penly to contradiêl our saviour Chrifi,with as dire&oppofition to the defign in the words, ascanbe imagined. This (pringing upof Grace, which from him is had and received,, which is his worke in us, is that,whereunto this pro- fligate wickedneffe isoppofedp and whilft that is, this cannot be. 'There is an everlafiing incontinency beiween'profligate wickedneffe, anda never failing fpringofGràce. 3. His Permanency in this worke and efficacy by it this living Water fprings up to everlafling Life: He ceafes not, untill our Spirituali Life be con - fummated inEternity.This then is the fumme ofthis Promifeof our Saviour; He gives his holy Spirit to his, who lives in them, and givesthem fuchconti- nuall fupplies of Grace, that they shall never come to a totali want of it; as they doeofElementary Water, who have once dranke thereof. And from this fpringBoth this Argument flow. They on whom the Spirit is bellowed to a- bide with them for ever,' and towhom he confiantly yeildes fuch fupplyes of Grace,as that they shall never be reduced to a totall want for ever, they {hall certainely and infallibly perfevere : but that this isthe Conditionofall that come to Chrift by Believing, or that Chrifi hath promifed, that fo it (hall be with them, is cleare from his owne Testimony now infified on: Ergo . . Unto their Argumentfrom the Promife ofourSaviour , Mr Goodwin en- deavours anAnfwer, Ch,I I. Se&: I o. I L 12. pag. 232.2 33. and in the Preface ofit tellsus, that tbkScripture doth butface (iffomuch) the bufmneffé in hands Toface it I fuppofe, is to appeare at firfi viewin its defence; and this indeed cannot well or colourably be denied, the wordsofit pun&uallyexprefüng the very Truthwe intend toprove thereby: And this notwithfianding the allay- ing qualification (if fo much) muff needs fomewhat prejudice the enfuing evafions; But we are yet farther confident, that upon the more diligent and firi&examination, it will be found, tofpeake to the veryheart and foule of thebufineffe inhand: and theConfiderations of his Reafons to the contrary, Both feemeonly togive-us farther light herein,and affierance hereof. He faies then, Here k no, Promifemade,that they who oncebelieve, how unworthily (never they fhallbehávethemfelves,(hallfrill beprefervedby the Spirit ofGod,'or theSpirit of Godin Believing, or that theyfballbeneceffztatedalwaies to Believe. Aar. This is the old' play frill: It is not at all our intendment , to produce anyPromife ofGtfe-guarding men in the Loveof God, how vilefoever they may prove, but ofpreferving them from ,all Inch unworthineffe, as fhould ren- der them utterlyuncapable thereof: And this is plainly here afferted, in the Affurance given oftheperpetuallrefidence ofthe Spirit in them,with fuch con- tinuall/uppliesofGrace fromhim', as shallcertainly preferve them from any fuch ftateor condition asis imagined:Of being neceffitated to Believe, I have fpoken formerly. The expreffion is neither ufedby us, nor proper tothe thing it felfe,about which it is ufed, nor known in the Scriptureas to this purpofe, and therefore we juftly reje& it, as to its fignifying any thing of the may and manner,wherebyweare preferved by the power of God, through faithunto Salvation. Ifit denotes only thecertainty , and inf.'illibility ofthe event,as the phrafe 207 4.32,