GM4:34. MrG's Exceptions confidered ,Sc removed, 210 univerfall want ofthat water,wherewith they are refrefhed ; and that their freedome from this 7hiril, is their portion in this life, we have theTeftimeiny ofChrift himfelfe, he that believes on mee,fhall thirty no more. Ioh.6.3g. And the reafon oftheir not 7hirfling, is the receiving,anddrinking in that water,which Chrift gives them, which, as himfelfe faies, is his spirit, which they receive who believe onhim. ioh,7. 38,39. neither is that Thirft of theirs, which doth re- rimaine, troublefome, as is infinuated, it being a grace oftheSpirit,and foquiet- ing, and compofing;Though they are troubled for the want ofthat in its ful- nefe, which they7hirfl after , yet their Thirft is no way troublefome: That then which is farther addedby Mr Goodwin,isexceeding fophifticall. ß 34. Saith he, by the way, thisfpìrituall thirft, which is incident unto the life which is derivedfromChrift, and the watersgiven by himunto men, as'tis enjoyed and pot iffedby them in this prefent World,is (according to the purport ofour Saviour's own arguing ) an Argument, thatfor the prefent , andwhilefE it is obmoxious to filch a thirfi, it is diffolveable andmayfade; for in the latterpart ofthefaidpat fage, heplainly implies, that the eternallneffè ofthat life, which fprings from the drinkingofthis water, is the reafon or caufe, why it isexemptfrom thirfi. Let the wholepaffage beread andminded, andthis will clearly appeare: If then the eter- nalityofa life, be the caufe or reafon; why tis free from the inconveniency of thirfi, Evident it is, thatfuch a life, which is not free from thirfi, is not, during this weakneffè or imperfetlion of it, eternal!, or Priviledged againfl dfolu- lion. Anf. i. That we cannot thirft under the enjoyment ofthe Life promifed, proves this life not here to beenjoyed, is proved, becaufe the eternallneffeof this lift, is the cauje ofits exemptidnfrom 3hirjii But that the plaine contrary is the intendment of the Holy Ghoft, I prefume is evident to all men. The reafon ofourprefervation to-Eternall Life, and being carried on thereunto, is apparentlyaflìgned to thofe fupplies ofthe `pirit,whereby our Thirft is ta- ken away; The taking away ofour Thirft, is the certain meaner ofour Eter- na11 Life, not aconfequent of the Eternityof it. All the proofe ofwhat is hereafferted, is, Let the whole paJage be read, andminded, in whichappeale, I dare acquiefce before the judgement feat of any Believer in the World, whole concernment this is. It is here then fuppofed, that the Eternity of the Life promifed, is the caufe oftheir not thirfling in whom it is, which is be- fides the Texts and that they may thirft againe (in the fencefpokenof) who drinkofthat waterof the Spirit, which Chrift gives, which is contrary unto it: and ofthefe two fuppofalls, is thispart of this telifeourfe compofed. The enfuing Difcourfe,rendring a reafon,upon the account whereof, Life maybe called eternall, though it be interrupted and cut off , wefhall have farther time,ßodaflifling, to confider; and to declare its utter inconfìfrency with the intendment ofthe Holy Ghoft in the exprefons now beforeus. aß35. He addes then in the laic placeSea. 12. That the intendment of Chrifi isnot, that thewater he gives, (ball alway end in the Ole ofEternall Life, but that it lies in a tendency thereunto. Anf. Which,uponthe matter,is all one, as ifhe had Paid, Chrifl faith indeed, that the water whichhegives,(hall fpring op unto EverlafiingLife, and wholly remove that 7hirff,which iscomprehenfve of all interveniraces, that might hin- -der it, (as God laid to Adam, In the daythou eateft of that fruit, thou fhalt -dye) but be knew full well,thatit might otherwife core topaffe : which,whether it doth not amount to a calling of his Truth, and credit in his Word and Promifes,into queftion, deferves (as Ï-fuppole) Mr Goodwins ferious confide- ration. To conclude then, our Saviour bath allured us, that the Living Wa- ter wichhe gives us, fhall take awayfsrchThirf, all filch totali want ofGrace and