Inferences demonflrating the Spirits Indwelling. C. VII1.4 : ;6, 37. andSpirit, (beit to be brought about , not by this or that meanes, but by 2rI what meanes foever) atfhouldcaufeus to come fhort of eternal( life with himfelfe, whichwe fhall look upon,as a Promifeof theSaints Perfeverance in Faith, notwithftandingall the Exceptions , whichas yet to the contrary bath been produced. Having thus long infifted on this influence of the Mediation ofChrift , into 4. 36. the continuance ofthe Love and Favour of Godunto Believers, byprocuring the Spirit for them, fending him to them, to dwell in them and abide with them for ever, (themoft effe&uall principle of their continuance with God) giveme leave farther to confirme the Truth of what bath been fpoken , by remarking force inferences, which theScripture holds out unto us , upon a fuppofitionof thofe Aflertions, whichwe have laid downe concerning the in- dwellingofthe Spirit, and the Affiftance which we receive from him on that account, all tending to theend and purpofewehave inhand. As , I. Firft, becaufe thespirit dwells inus, weare therefore to confider, and 4.37. difpofe ofour perfons,as Temples of the Holy Ghofl, that is, of this indwelling Spirit: the Scripture manifefting hereby, that the Doetrineofthe indwelling ofthespirit, is not only a Truth , but a very ufefull Truth , being made the Fountain of, and the inforcement unto fo great aduty. He dwells in us,and we are to lookwell to his habitations our Saviour tellsus, that when theevill Spirit finds his dwellingfwept andgarnifhed, he inftantly takes pofleßìon , and Mat, r sgq, brings company with him: he will not be abfent from it, when 'tis fitted for his turne. In referenceto the Saints, and their holy indweller, this the Apoftle urgeth. I Cor. 6. I g. roar Bodies are the Temples of the HolyGhofl, which dwells inyou, whence he concludes, whofeye are, notyour owne, and therefore ought toglorify God inyour Bodies;From hence is the ftrengthofhis Argument , for the avoiding ofall uncleanneffe.v. 16.17. Know ye not thathewho isjoyned to anHarlot, is onebody? he who isjoyned to theLord is onefpirit: flye Fornication, knowye not thatyour Body is the Temple ofthe Holy Ghofl? On this account alto loth he preffe touniverfall holinefhe. I Cor: 3.16.17. Know ye not thatye are theTemples ofGod,and that the Spirit ofGod dwelleth in yaw' íf any man defile theTemple ofGod, him jhall God defiroy 5 for the Templeof God is holy ,which Templeye are. In v.12.13. 14. the Apoftle difcovers thefi'uitlefneflk of Build- ing hay andflubble, light and unfound Do&rinesor prallifes, upon the foun- dationofFaith in JefusChrifh once laid, and tells us, that all fuch things (hall turne andfiner loffe, and put thecontrivers and workers of them to no finall difficulty, in efcaping like men, whenthe Garments they are cloathed withal!, are on fire about them. On the account ofthis fad event, of foolifh and care- lefTe walking, he preffes v.16. as was laid , earneflly to univerfall Holinefie, laying downe as the great motive thereunto, that which we have infifted on, viz. the Indwelling ofthe Holy Spirit inus: knowyenot thatye are the Temple of God? TheTemple,wherein God ofold did dwell, was builtwith hewenfloue, Cedar, Wood, and overlaid withpure Gold; and will ye now, who are the fpi- rituali Temple ofGod, build up your Soules with hay, and dabble? Which he furthers, by that dreadfull commination taken from the zeale ofGod for the purityofhisTemple; fo that on each hand , he doth preffe to the univerfall clofe keepingofour Hearts in all Holine(fé,andpurity, becaufe ofthe Indwell- ing ofthe Holy Spirit. And indeed, where ever iveare Paid to be Temples of God, or au Habitation for him,as it fill relates to this caule of the Exprefíion whichwe now infift upon, fo there is ever forceintimation ofHolineffe,to be purfued on that account. Eph:2.-21.22. inwhom the wholebuilding fitly fra- med together, groweth unto an holy Templein the Lord, inwhomye alfo are bail- ¡led together, for an habitationofGod through. the Spirit ; beingmadean habitati Ee 2 - on