C.VIII. g:;8. Inferences demon(I;rating 212 onof the Lord, by the Spirits Indwelling in us, wegrow up, or thrive ingrace. an Holy Temple to theLord, to be amore compleate and well furnithéd Habitation for him. This then is that which I fay: The Truthof what hath formerlybeen fpo- ken, concerning the manner ofthe Spirits abode with us, being procured for us by Jefus Chrift, is farther cleared by this inference, that theScripture makes thereof. TheSaints are exhorted with all diligence to keepe them.. (elves a fit Habitation for him, that they may not be uncleane and defiled lodgings for the Spirit ofpurity and Hol ineffe. This is, and this is to be,thek daily Labour, and indeavour; that vaine thoughts, unruly pafions, corrupt lufts, maynot take upany Roome in their bofome; that they put not fuch unwelcome and unfavory inmates upon theSpirit ofGrace; that time may not dwell, where Goddwells. On this ground they may pleadwith their owneSouls, and fay; Hath the Lordchofen my poore heart, for his Habitats,. on?Hath he faid, I delight in it, and therewill I dwell for ever ? Hath he forfaken thatgoodly and 'lately Material] Temple, whereunto he gavehis fpeciall prefence ofold, to takeup his abode, in a farre more eminent way, in a poore finfull foule ? Doth thatHoly Spirit, which dwells in Jefus Chrifi, who was Holy,Blameleffe,Vndeiled, feparatefromonners, whodid nofnne,nei- there was guilefoundin his month, dwell alfo in rue, that am in, andof my felfewholly corruptedand defiled ? And(ball f be fo foolifh, founthankful], aswillingly todefile the Habitation,whicb hebath chofen ? Shall I fuffer vaine Thoughts, foolifh Lufts, diftempered Affe&ions, worldly aimes , toput in themfelves upon him there ? He is a Spirit of Grace: can hebeare a Graceleflé Corruption to be cherifhed in his Dwelling? He is a Spirit off/ay/0, and (ball I harbour in hisLodging a frameof worldlyvefJe? He is a Spirit of.Joy, & Confolation: & (hall I fill my bofome with /eolith fearer, and devouring Cares ? Wouldnot thisbe agriefe unto him ? Would it not provoke theeyes ofhis Glory?Can he .beareit,that, when he is with me before his face, in his prefence, I Ibould fpettd my time in giving entertainement to his enemyes ? He is the highand the Flolyone,who dwells in Eternity, and he bath chofen to inhabit withme alto; Surely I íhould be more bruitifh then any man, fhould I be carelefteofhis Habitation : And Ihould not this fill my foule with an Holy fcorne, and indignation againftfinne? Shall I debafe my foule unto any vile Lift, whichbath this exceeding honour,to bean Habitation for the Spirit ofGod?Hence, upon a view ofany defilement of Luft, or paffion, nothing troubles theSaints more, nor fills them with more felfe-abhorrence and con- fufion of face, then this, that they have rendred their hearts an unsuitable habitation for the Spirit ofGod. This makes David, upon his finne,cry fo ear., gr. neftly, that the Spirit might not depart fromhim, being-confcious to himfelfe, that he had exceedinglydefiled his dwelling place; And were this Confide- ratifiìi aiwayes frefh upon the Spirits oftheSaints, were it máreconfiant in their thoughts, itwould keepe them more upon their Guard, that nothing might breake in, todifquiet theirgracious indweller. 4 2. Secondly, becaufeby the Spirit we haveguidance and dire&lion, there is Wifdorne given untous,and we are called to aholy difcerning between the Diretlionsofthe SpiritofGrace, and the deluoanr of Spirit ofthe World, and thefedutlion ofour owne Hearts. Chrift gives this charmer óf his Sheepe, that they knowhis voice,heare hiw,andfollow him; but agranger they will not follore. John so. 2 5. Chrift fpeakes by his Spirit; in hisguidance and directions is the voiceofthe Lord Jefus, He thathatla an ease toheart, let him heart what the Spiritfaith to the Churches Rev. 2.29What Chrift faith, as to the Fountain ofRevelation,he beingthe great Prophet ofthe Church, that the Spirit faith, as