the Spirit's lndtwelliug- CAP. Vili. ft S to the E icaey of the Revelation, unto the Hearts ofthe Saints. And as 2 I 3 theVnîliön teacheth them, fo do they abidein Chrifl, 'John 2. 27. The fe- ducementsoftheSpirit oftheworld, either immediatly by himfelfe, ot me - diately byothers, are the voice of (trangers; between there and the voiceof the Spirit ofChrift that dwells in them, the Saints have a Spirit ofdifcerning. his theApoftie affirmes, t Cor.2. t 5, He that is Spirituall, judgeth all things. ble difcerneth between things, and judgeth aright of them. Hejudgeth all things; that is, all things ofthat nature whereof he fpeakes, that is,the things which arefreelygiven asofGod,v. t 2.for the difcerning&knowledge whereof, the Spirit is given them; For the things ofGodknoweth no man,but the Spirit of God.v.tI. They know alfa the fuggeftions oftheSpirit of world, & judge them. 2 Cor,2. r I. We are not ignorant ofhis devices. There is a twofold know- ledgeofthedepths and devices of Sathan: one with Approbation, to the im- bracing and pra&ice of them: the, other with Condemnation, to their hatred and reje&ion. The firf} ye have mentioned Rev. 2.24. Asmany as have not knowne the depthsofSathan, as theyfpeake , Their Doarinall depths, fo they call them: Of them our Saviour there fpeakes; New Do&rines were broached bySathan, unintelligiblenotions; tome pretended to attainean acquaintance with them, and boafted, it feetnes, in them as very great and high Attaine- ments.They called them depths,fucbas padre ordinaryBelievers,that contented themfelves with their low formes , could not reach unto: Saith Chrift, they are depths,as theyfpeake: indeed in themfelves nothing atall, thingsofno fo- lidity, weight, nor Wifdotne: but as managed by Sathan, they are depths in- deed, filch as whereby he deftroyestheir foules. Andas 'force approve hisivo- drinalldepths, fo tome clofe with his Prgticall depths, and imbrace them. Men that ítudyhis wayes, and paths, becoming defperately wicked, mali- eioully fcoffing at Religion, anddefpifing the profefiion ofit; But there is a knowledgealto of thedepths, and devices of Sathan, leading tojudging, condemning, rejeaing, and watching againft them. The fuggeftbonsofSa- than, in their infinitevariety, their Rife, Progreffe, Efficacy, and Advantages, their various aimes, and tendencyes untofinne,againft Grace, Idonot now confider. But this I fay, thofe who are lead by the Spirit ofGod, who have di- re&ions from him, and guidance, they difcerne between the voice of theSpi- rit ,which dwells in them; and the voice of theSpirit, which dwells in the wórld. Now becaufe this is not alwaies to bedone, from the manner of their ß. 39* fpeaking, the Serpent counterfeiting the voyce of the Dove, and coming on, not onlywith earneftnefe andcontinuance of impulfe, but withmany faire andfpeciaes pretences, making good hisimpreffions,labouring to win the un- derftanding over to that, wherewith he inticeth the Affe&ions and Paffr- onsofinen. theyufe the helpe offuch Confade-rations as there infuing, togive them dire&ion inattending to thevoice ofthat Guide, which leader them in- to thepaths ofTruth,and to ftoppe their cares to the longs ofSathan, which would transforme them into Monfters of difobedience- Thus they know. T. That all the motionsof the holySpirit, whereby they are, and ought tobe lead, are regular: that he moves them tonothing, but what is according to the mind ofChrift, deliveredin the Word , whichhe bath appointed for their Rule to walke by tono duty, but what is acceptable to him , and what by,' q. : John he hath revealed fo tobe So thatas Believers are to try thefpirits qfothers, , that ftandard, whether they are ofGod or no, fo becaufeof the fubtilty of' Sathan,transforming himfelfe into anAngelloflight, yea into a fpirit of duty, what ever immediate motions and impreffions fall upon their Spirits, they E e 3. trye