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C .V111. 4,29. How to difcernbetween the Spirit ofCh. &of Sathan. 214 try them by the Rule. 'Tis no difhonour to the Holy Spirit,yea it is a great Honour to havehis motions withinus, tryed by the Word,that he bathgiven for aRule withoutus. Yea when any preached by immediate infpiration, he Alts iyao. commends thófe, who examined what they delivered. by that which he had givenout before; He doth not now move in us , togive a new Rule but a newLight andPower, as was Paid before. The motions of the Spirit of the World, are forthe molt part unto things , wherein,though the perlons with whom hedeales, may be in the darke or blind , and darkened by him , yet themfelves are again.11 the Rule., or betides it , in thewhole , or in part , in re- fpe& offorce fuch circumftances, as vitiate the whole performance. 2. They knowthat the Commands and motions of theSpirit, which I John 5.1. dwells in them, are not grievous. The commands of Chrift,for the matter of ra }ii.3o them,are not grievous , his burthen is light, hisyoake eafy :.and the manner, whereby we are carried out to the performance ofthem , is not Grievous: where theSpirit ofthe Lord i.r,there is Liberty. 2 Cor . 3. 17_ It carries out the foule to duty, in a free, fweet, calme, ingenuous manner. The motions of the Spirit oftheWorld, even unto good things, and duties, (for fo,for farther ends ofhis, it oftenfalls out that they are) are troublefome, vexatious,perplexing, grievous, and tumultuating. Sathan falls like lightning upon the Soule , and comes upon the powers'of it,as a Tempeft: Hence offing in any thing , upon his clofìng with, and provoking our convi&ions, is called abeing under the Spirit ofbondage. Rorer:8. t 5. which is oppofed to the Spirit ofGod, theSptit of Adoption, ofLiberty, boldneffe, pówer, and afound mind. 3. They.know that all motions of-the Spirit whereby they are lead, are orderly; as is Gods Covenant with us, ordered in all things, fo the Spirit ofGod carries us out unto every duty,in its own order and feafon ; when as we fee fouie poore foules tobe in filch bondage, as to be hurried upanddowne, in the matter ofduties, at the pleafure of Satan. They muff runne fromone to another, and commonly negle& that which they fhould doe; When they are at Prayer, then they fhould beat the wor/ e of their calling; and when they are at their Calling,they are tempted,for. not layingall afide,and running to Pray- er; Believers knew that this isnot from the Spirit ofGod, which makes eve- ry thing beautifull in its feafon. 4. They know that all the workings of the Spirit of Gad, as theyare good, fo all() they tend unto agood end. Doth that ftirre them up to dole walking with Gods It is that God maybeglorified, his Gracesexercifed in them, their foulesftrengthened in obedience, and their progreffe in Sanaifi- cation furthered?Doth it affure them ofthe love of God ? It is that they may be morehumble, thankefull, watchfull? When all thecompliances and combi- nationsofsathan, and menscorrupt hearts, evenwhen they compell to good duties,are for falle, evill,and corrupt ends:Duty ispreft to pacify Confcience; Peace is$iven tomake men fecure; Gifts are ¡timedup to tempt to Pride; and indeed it may eafily be obferved, that the Divell never Both any work, but he will quickly come for his Wages. By the help(Ifay) ofthefe and fuch like Confiderations, the SaintsofGod,inwhom this Spirit doth dwell, are in- abled to difcerne and know the voyce of their Leaderand Guide , from the neereft refemblance ofit, that theSpirit,which is in theWorld,doth,or atany time canmake fhew of. And this Indwellingofthe Spirit yeelds a confidera- ble contribution of ftrength, toward the confirmation ofthe maine Thefes undertaken to beproved. Our Adverfaries difpute about the removall ofac- quired habit.r,but how infu(edhabits may be calf out or expelled,theyhavenot any tolerable meafurebeen able to declare. Ifmoreover it [hall be evinced as it bathbeen by plentiful) Teftimonies of Scripture, that the Holy Ghoft him-