CAP. IX. hiinfelfe dwelles in Believers, what waycanbe fixedonfor hire 5 he cannot be removed, but by his own will , thewill of him that fends him, fuppofe will eafilybe granted: Whileft he abides with them, they are ac- cepted withGod, and in Covenant with him. That God, whileft hisChildren are in fuch a hate and condition,doth take away his Spirit froui them, andgive them up to the power of the Divell , is incumbent on our Adverfaries to prove. But to returneat length from this digreffion. Thus' farre have wee pro- ceeded in manifefting, upholding, and vindicating that influence,which the OblationofChrift bath into the prefervation ofthe Saints, in the Love and Fa- vour ofGod unto theend. His interceffion being Eminently effeituall alto to the fame end and purpofe, comesin the next place tobe confidered. CAP.IX. a. The Interceffionof Chrift. 2. The natureof it. Its ayme , not only that Believers continuing fo, maybe faved, but that theymay be preferved inBelieving. 3. This farther proved from the Typicall l nterceffion of the JudaicàllHigh Prieft. 4. TheTenor of Chrifls iuterceffìon (as ma nifefted loh:17.V.11.) opened,andv. 5. Therefult of theArgument from thence. The Saints Perfeverance fully confirmed. 6. Rom.8.33,34 at large explained. 7.8. M. G'sIn- terpretation ofthe place in all the partsof it confuted.Vaille fuppofallsgroundleffely inrerferted into theApoftles difcourfe. What Chrift Intercedes for, for Believers, farther manifefted. The femmeof what is alfgned to the lnrerceffion of Chrift , by M. G. How farceit is all from yeelding the lealIconfolationto the Saints ,manifefted. y. The Icafous of the foregoing Inter- pretationspropofed and anfyvered. 1 o. The end affigned of the tuterceBïop of Chrift, Anfwe- red. God works perfevere aftual ly: a fupply of mercies, that may not be effe6tuall, nor tobe af.. cribed thereunto. 11. Farther objettionsAufwered: Chrift not the minifter!of fìnnebythis Dottrine. 12. Snppofalls and Inftauces upon the formerllnterprcrtion, difproved and reje- Red. 13. A briefe account ofour Dottrineconcerning the Inrerceffion of Chrift for Believers: andof the true endofthe Aft ofhis Mediation. 14. The Ilote ofthe Argument, andof the firft Part ofthis Treatik. F the Interceflion of Chrift, both as to the nature ofits typi- sf: t, call Reprefentationby the high Priefls entringintotheHoly ofHeb.9.7. Holyer, everyyeare with blood, and its effeftuall influenceinto the perfett, compleateSalvationof Believers, fo muchbath been fpoken by others, and thewhole ofthe Doctrine delive- red, with fo much clearneflk,fpirituallneffe and ftrength,that i (hall.not needto addeany thing thereunto,That Chriftintercedes for the pre- fervation ofBelievers in theLove andFavour ofhis Father, to the end,í.s that which I intend tomanifeft,and which may (as I fuppofe) be very eafilyunde- niably evinced. Some few Confiderations will make wayfor the demonftra- tion of theTruth,which isunderConfideration, or Confirmation ofthePer- feveranceofSaints, from the Intercefiîon of Chrift. Firft, theinterceffion ofChrift beinghis Appearancefor us in the prefence of 2. God(Heb.9. 24. He is gon into Heaven, ipruoa vm rd x e9m v, rsn e_,7 to m4e a legaliAppearance, for our defence,before the Judgment feat of'God3 &by be- ing there is our Advocate. 1 john 2:s he is laid to rave ne to the utmofi. Hr:7. 25.) There is eertainoly fornething, orother,that he pu1sinfir, in the be- halfe