Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

CAT' .1 X. 4,3. The influence ofChrifE'slnterceßion into the PertofSts. 216 halfe ofthetn,in whofeCaufe he appeares and fues, that fohe may fave them to the utmoft. Now this mutt be, either, that being, and continuing Belie- vers, they may beSaved, or that they may believe and continue Believers untoSalvation. That thefrft is not the foie import and aime of the Inter- ceffionofChrift, may be manifet}ed,from this double Confideration. t. From thenature ofthe thing it felfe. There is nothing but thedia- blifhment ofthe very Law ofthe Gofpell, (He that believeth fball be saved) wrapt up in this interpretation ofthe Interceffion of Chrift. But this nei- ther bath Chrift any need to intercede for,it being ratified, confirmed, and declaredfrom the beginning,neitheris there, or can there any Oppofition be madeagainft ir, to fhake,weaken, or difturbeit, in the leaf}: it depending folely on the Truth and Unchangeableneffe ofGod, not being veffed by a- ny Conditionwhatfoever,in anyother fubje&: nor would this be availingto his Militant Church,whofe prefervation he aimes at and intends in his Inter cefiion:For the whole ofhis defires may be granted him to theuttermof}, and yet his whole Church at any time militakt,perith for` ever. Though not one foule thould continue believing to the end, though the gates ofHell fhould prevail againftevery one,that names the nameofChrift in the world,yet that Truth He that believeth,fbgll be saved, taken in the fenceofour Adverfaries, for a Promife to Perfeverance in believing, and not a promife to ac`fuall true Believers, might Rand firme for ever. To fay then,that this is the whole In- tercefíionofChrift for his Church, is to fay,that in his'Wbolelnterceffion, he Ioh.i I. 44. Interceded not at all for his Church: He is heard in his Inteieeffron, and he may be heard to the uttermoft in this, and yet his. whole Church be fo farre frombeingfaved to the utmofl, asutterly tobe deftroyed and confu- med. 4. 3. z. Doubtleflè theInterceflion ofChrift, muttanfwer the Ikeprefentation of it, which the Apofile fo much infftsonHeb`7.9. Of the OblationofChrift therewere many Types in theAaronicall Priefthoodof the Law: OfhisInter- cefíìon,but one principally; namely, that folemne entranceof thehigh Prieft withBloodand Incenfe into the Holyeft ofHolyes,in the great Anniverfary Sa- crifice, on the tenthday ofthefeventh months (on the which day alto the great Jubilee, or Joyfull time ofdeliverance, typifying our deliverance by Chrift, began:) Hereunto is added the Priefihood ofMelchifedec: whereof there is mention neither of itsbeginning,nor ending, to fecure usoftheCon -,. tinuance ofour Mediator in the all ofhis Priefthood, for ever. Nowthe end of the highPriefts fo entring into this Holyplace, was to carryon the work of Expiation and Attonement to perfe&ion, and compleat peace with God, in thebehalfe ofthem,for whom he offered, without. And therefore the Holy Ghoft faith, that hisentrance with Blood, was, to offer for hinefelfe, and the Errours ofthe people.Heb.9,7.It beingbut a continuationofhisOblation began without, unto a compleat Attonement. And therefore there is no reali diffe- rence between the efficacyofthe death ofChrift, and that ofhisInterceffion, upon the attuall Accomplifhment of it. It being then the compleate taking away ofthe finites and Errours ofthe people,as tothe guilt ofthem, and the Continuance oftheir peace with God,which was intended by the high Priefts entrance with blood into the Holyefl ofHolyes, that,which anfwers thereunto, or the deliveranceofBelievers from the whole guilt of finne, and their pre- fervation in the Love andFavour ofGod, is the intendment ofChrift in his Intercefíon. Let the Effelsand fruitsof the Oblation of Chrift be bounded and limited to the procuringofa new way ofSalvation, without purchafing for anyoneperfon whatever,power and Gracetowalke in that way, and then exclude his Intercefiìon , from any influence into the prefervation of them,