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C.IX. ga. TheInfluence ofChrift's Interceßion into the Perfev. ofSts 218 them, that they fhould be preferved through all difficulties unto the end. And hefarther urges, Thirdly, vI4. from thecertaine Oppofition,that they fhould'meetwith= all: the world hates them; and will without doubt, ufe all wayes and meanes pofiible, for their ruine and deftru&ion; giving allo the Reafon, why the worldhateth them,andwill oppofe them which is fuchanone,as mull needs in: gage the HeartandGoodwill of God for their prefervation, to wit, becauft they receive the wordof his deare Sonne, and upon that account,left the world; feparated from it, and became itsenemyes; and (hall they now be left to th6 rage and fury 'ofthe world in this condition? That be farre from thee: Hof; Father keepe them. Hereupon Fourthly, v. 15. he reneweth his prayer in their behalfe, with a farther openingof his mind,as to what he had laft fpoken of. The world, the world being vile, wretched,deceitfitll, and let upon Oppofition againft them, aman would have thought,that the Lord Jefus fhould have defired; that hisSaints might be taken out from the midit of this world; and let in a quiet placeby themfelves, where they might no more betroubled with the baits and oppo- fitionsofit. But this is not that which he requefts; he hath another worke for them todo in theworld, theyare to beare witneffe to him andhis Truth, by their Faith andObedience, to convince the wicked unbelieving world; They are toGlorifiehisname by doing, and fufferingfor him; fo that this isnopast ofhis 'requeft; Ipray not( faith he) that thoufhouldefl take themout ofthe world, but thatthey may not be prevailedon, nor conqueredb, theevil!, that is in the world. That they maybekept, and preferved from thepower ofevill, which would feparate them from me, and my Love. This he preffeth for, and this heis heard in; and that, not onlyfor his Apoftles and prefent followers; but as he tells youv. 20. for all that fhould believe on him, to the end ofthe world. The things prayed for , the Reafon ofhis Interceffìon, the oppofition a- gainft the accomplifhmentof the things interceded for, thediftin&ion put between them for whomhe Intercedes, and the perifhingworld, all delive- red inplaine andexpreffe termes, evidently evince the intendment ofChrift in hisInterceon, evidently to regard the fafeguardingof Believers in the Love and Favour ofGod, by their continuance in Believing, and prefer/ ati- on from the Power oftemptations, and oppofitions,arifngagainft their Per, feverance in communion with God. 5`° 5. The refult ofwhat bathbeen fpoken, as to its influence into the confirma- tion of' the Truth under Demonftration , amounts unto thus much, That which the Lord Jefus Chrift as Mediator requeffeth, and prayethfor continu.. ally ofthe Father, according to his mind, inorderto the Accomplifhment of thePromifes made to him , and Covenant withhim (all his defires being bottomed upon hisexa& perfe& performance of the whole will ofGod, both in doing and fuffering,) that fhall certainly be accomplifht andbrought to paffe; But thus, in thismanner, upon thefe accounts, doth the Lord Jefus in- tercedefor the Perfeverance ofBelievers, and their Prefervation in the Love oftheFather unto the end; therefore theyfhall undoubtedly be fo preferved. It is confefïed, that the Perlons Interceded for, are Believers, all Believers, that then were, or fhould be to theend oftheWorld, (the efficacy of this In- tercefrionhaving commenced from thefoundations thereof) the thing pray- ed for is their Prefervationin the ftate of Union with Chrift, and one ano- ther, the motives tiled for the obtaining this requeft in their behalfe, are ta- ken from thework they have todoe, and the oppofition they were tomeet withal!, and all the saints being thus put into the hand ofGod, who (hall take