Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

take them from thence?On what account is it that they (hall not be prefer-. 21.9 ved? To fay they (hall be thus preferved,in cafe themflves depart not wilfúlty fromGod, is to fay, theyfhall bepreferved,in cafe theyprefervethemfelves, as wilt afterwards be farther manifefted. This Argument is propofed by the Apoffle , in the molt triumphant affu- 4. & rance ofthe Truthand Certaintyofthe inference contained in it that he any where ufeth, in any cafe whatfoever. Rom:8.33, 34, Who fhall lay any thing to the charge ofGods Bled ? It is God that juflifieth: Who is he that conderaneth It is Chrifl that died,yen rather that is rifen againe, who is evenat the right hand .ofGod,who, alfo maketh. Intercefsionfor us: he laies the immunityofthe Elect & juffified Perlons, from ju(t crimination,or Condemnation, on the foundation ofthe Oblation and IntercefsionofChrift; The fill part of this Argument, from the Oblation ofChrift, ( who(hallcondemn ? it is Chris`s that died) al-. ferting the immunit y ofBelievers from Condemnation , upon the accountof the puni(hing ofall their finnes in Chrift, and the perfef fatista&ion madeby his death for them, whence the juftice of God,in the iflùe, will not haveany thing to lay to their charge, wehave formerly inf *.tied on The other, which the Apoftle induces emphatically and comparatively, though not in refpe& of procurement and purchafe made, yet ofaffurance tobe given , with tAV'oe ì, in refpe&ofhis Oblation,is that now before us. Tomake theAflsrance Of Believers plentiful!, that they may know both the Truth ofhis firft ,generals A(hertion, that all thingsfhall worktogetherfor good to them ; and this particu- lar conclufìon,now laid downe by way of interrogation , rejeting all evill oppofed to their formerenjoyments, who fball lay any thing to their charge? who(hallcondemne? He gives them a threefoldconfideration ofthe Rate, and aftings ofthe Lord Chrift, after the Expiationof their finnes by this bloud,in reference to them; t. He is Rifen. 2. He is at the Right hand ofGod. 3.Ma!¿e. eth Intercefsionfor them; the Firft denoting his Acquitment, and theirs in him, (for hedied in their ftead)from all the finnes that were chargedonhim; For he was declared tobe the Sonneof God accepted with him, and juftified from all thatdebt,whichhe undertook, in his 1&efurre&ion;and, i fhe be rifen, . who(ball lay any thing to the charge of them whom he died for, and for all whole finnes,in their ftead, he was acquitted ? The Second is his Exaltation and Power; for, having purgedourfnnes, he is fatedowne at the right hand of the Maie/ly onHigh.Heb.t.3. receiving thereby a molt plenary demonfttation ofhis Fathers goodwill to him andhis, in refpe& ofthe work that hehad un- dertaken and gone through for them; For, if hehad not made an endoffìnne, when he was obedient unto death, the death ofthe Cro!7è, he could not exile& that Godfbould give hima name above every name, with fulneffe ofpower,, to give Eternall Life to all that the Father gave him; This to affure us that he will doe, having power in his own hand, the Apoftle addes,who alfo Intercedes. forus; hereby (thirdly)teflifying abundantly his good will and care for our Salvation;Upon there confideratious the Apoftle leads the Faith of theSaints ofGod, to make aconclufìon, which is to be believed ash Divine Truth,that tenders to us the Do&rine we have under Demonftration,triumphant againft all Obje&ions and oppofitions that can be made againft it:And hence we thus argue: Thole againft whom no Chargecanbe laid, who cannot by any means befeparatedfrom the love ofGod in Chriff; cannot totally and finally fall away from Faith, andfall out ofGods Favour : but that this is the condition ofall trueBelievers , isevident from the Context. It is ofall that are called ancor- ding to the Purgo¡'e ofCod, fané'tilved and jufl:ified, the proper delcriotion Of all and only Believers, that theApoftle affirmes thefe things, and to whom he afcribes thecondition mentioned: Now that this is the fiate and condition of Ff2 thofe