Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

C.IX g: 7 R. The lttterceflìonofChill, as 220 tholeperiòns, the Apoftle manifefteth from the caufes of it,viz-.. theOblation and IntercefionofChrift in their behalte : For thefe for whom he Lied. and cloth Intercede,, are on that account , exempted from any fuch charge, as might be ofprevalency to feparate them from God. M. Goodwin' attempts indeed once more to reinforce the triumphed over §. 7. EnemiesoftheSaints, and to call them ence more to make head againft the Interceffion ofChrift, but,with what ill fucceflè,the confideration of what Argumentshe ufeth with them, and for them, will deníonftrate: thus then he addreffeth hrrnfelfe to histaske Ch. r t. Se&: 33. pag. agg.. Ianfzver, it is no inhere affirmed, that Chrift intercedesfor the PerJ everánce of thesaints in their Faith, or, theywho once believed, fhould never ceafe Believing, how finial and roickedfoever theyfhoiddprdve afterwards; But Chrift Intercedes torhis Saints, ee fuch, andfocontinuingfuch, that no accufation front any handw be heard again.fl them, that no offliEEions or fufferings,which they meet with in the World, may caafeany alienation, or abatement in the Love of God towards them: but that Godwill proteg, and prefervethemunder them; and confeyuendy that theymay bemaintained at an excellent rate ofCottfolatìote in everyfiate andcon- dation, and againfi allinterpoliiresofany Creatureto the contrary. 4.:gß This Anfwer hath long fine ceafed to be new to us: It is that indeed which is the fhield,behindewhich Mr Goodwin lyes, to avoide the forceof all manner ofArguments pointed againft himfelfe, though it be the.moftweake and frivolous,that ever, I fuppofe, was ufed in foweighty amatter; It is here caft (as he hathmany moulds and fhapes to caft it in ) intoa denyall of the Affumption ofour syllagfine, and a Reafon of that denial! ; Firft he denies, that Chrift intercedes forBelievers , that they may Perfevere in their Faiths Leprayes notfor their Perfeverance. 2. HisReafon ofthis is two fold; s. A luppofall , that they may provefo wicked, as not to continue Believing. 2. A defcription of what Chrift Inter. cedes for, in the behalfe ofBelievers, viz. that they maycontinue inCods Love, if they doe continue to Believe, notwithflanding all their ofl,aions ; homo homini quid interefl? Whether men will or no, thefe mutt paffe for Oracular Di- &ates. i. Firft, for the firft: Let what bath been fpoken already be weighed, and fee iftherebe not yet hope left for poore foules, that Chrift prayer for them, that their Faith fallenot; And,by the way, who will not embrace this com- fortableDo&rine, that will aflüre him in his Agonies ,Temptations, and Fail ings, that all help and fupplies are made outto him , from and by the Lord Jefus, in whom is all hishope; and that he receivesof his Father,upon his In -. tercefsion, all the fruitsofhis Death, and Bloudfhedding in his behalfe s But that he fhould Believe, or being tempted fhould be preferved in Believing, ofthat Chrift takes no thought, not did ever intercede withhis Father for'a- ny fuchend or purpofe; Such confolation might befit: jobs friends, mferable Comforters, Phyfitians ofno value.(But ofthis before) 2. For that fuppofall ofhis, oftheir proving wicked afterwardsto an in- 2. confiftencywith believing, it hath often been corre&ed for a fturdy Begger andPent away grumbling and hungry , and,were it not for pure neceffity, would never once be owned any more by its Matter i Chrift Intercedes not for Believers, that they may Perfevere in the Faith upon Inch foolifh firppo- falls, whole oppofite is Continuance in theFaith , and fo is coincident with the thing it felfe interceded for; To Intercede that they may continue Belie- ving, is, to Intercedethat they may never be fo wicked, as Mr Goodwin fup- pofeth theymaybe. Theend ofChrifts Interceffion for the Saints afferted,is, thattheymay never wickedly depart from God; Doth Mr Goodwin indeed take